Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I was hanging up my daughter's bras to dry in my 
laundry room this morning, and it suddenly hit me that something
is very wrong with this picture.

 She is a 21-year old college student and has just moved into 
her third apartment in three years.  So why am I still
doing her laundry?
After pondering this question for awhile, I came to the conclusion 
that it's because I failed to teach her adequately
about priorities.  Each time she has moved, it was to acquire the luxury
of having a dishwasher and/or a dog.  But never has it been a priority
to have a washing machine and dryer. I wonder why that is?
Maybe it's because I have far too long been the solution
to that problem.
And while we're at it ~ why is she wearing prettier bras than 
I am?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! I love your blog, and i'll be back.....Kathy

Susan (Between Naps On The Porch.net) said...

LOL, too funny!

June said...

This is so funny. Her bras are much prettier than mine too Cindy. I think we need to remedy this, don't you?
Your blog is just lovely. I am so glad you stopped by with your sweet words to me. I love meeting new friends.

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