I wanted to share with you my fall mantel. Usually every year it's about the same as the year before, but this year I have a new addition that gives it a whole new look.
A couple years ago, I bought an old antique headboard at a barn sale with plans to use it as wall decor in my dining room, but it was too large. So ~ I tried to sell it several times at my yard sales ~ but no one evidently could see its potential. I always thought it would look nice with the legs cut off, beautiful antique hooks along the bottom, and hung on a large entry wall to hang coats on. I could picture a bench underneath it, and being the perfect place to stop and take off your shoes and coats. But my problem was, in my small house, I have no entry way or a wall large enough for it.
So ~ this summer after it didn't sell again at my yard sale ~ I got out the saw and cut off the legs and put it on my mantel. It was instant love. Now that I've gone on and on about it ~ I guess its time I showed it to you.
It adds so much warmth to the room and looks especially well with the rich colors of fall.
I love the old weathered look that comes from years of aging.
It is a beauty for sure and now that I've set it up on the mantel, I can hardly
Of all the seasons, I think I enjoy decorating for fall the most. Many will say it is their favorite season, and I do agree with that, only with it comes the sadness that winter is following close behind. But fall brings with it so many of my favorite things, like cooler temps, beautiful foliage, and football.
Tweaking the dining room hutch for fall is always fun, especially since my living and dining rooms are already in the warm colors that lend themselves perfectly to colorful leaves and goards.
The dining room is so small and the hutch so large that it takes up an entire wall, but it's spaciousness also allows me to create a variety of vignettes on it's three shelves.
While visiting Yvonne last week over at Stone Gable, she was demonstrating how to make a fall arrangement with mums, which you can see here. She so inspired me that I had to go out and make an arrangement of my own. Here is a picture of her arrangement in which she used live mums.
I had intended to use live mums, but decided in the end to use silk flowers instead so I could use it year after year and not have to remember to water it. Here is my version, which sits on my dining room table.
It was an inexpensive arrangement for me since I had everything except the silk mums and it brightened up the table just perfectly. Be sure to stop over at Yvonne's for a full explanation of how she made hers.
At the end of a busy day and a busier summer, there is nothing more
relaxing than sitting a few minutes in the garden.
I bought these plastic Adirondack chairs earlier this spring and because of their light weight, I can move them all around the garden to where ever suits my fancy
and offers the prettiest view.
Sometimes its just to enjoy the one and only zinnia seed that came up.
Quite often its to enjoy some up close and personal time with my beloved girls.
But mostly its to make myself slow down ~ enjoy the beauty that is all
around me ~ and savor the last breaths of summer before they are gone.
I'm a mother of one "out-of-college" daughter, inheritor of one cat,a dog and four chickens, full time medical secretary, gardener, painter of furniture, fixer-upper and handy woman around my house, passionate about decorating, lover of flea markets and yard sales, restorer of old things, but most importantly, a daughter of God. Blogging is a way to journal and share my life, passions, and journey with anyone interested enough to follow along.