I was outside in the garden the other day and noticed my fall sedum was not only blooming, but covered with bees.
Honey bees in my yard are always a delight to me since they are becoming more and more scarce.
Some years ago, I used to be a beekeeper and always enjoyed their presence in my yard. Now it is a very cherished treat.
The sedum is so delicate and such a sweet shade of pink .
Such soft shades of pink are sheer delight, making me wish it were spring instead of fall.
I found it inspiring to see the bumble bees and several varieties of honey bees all sharing the same flowers without any bickering. Their friendliness shows they know that nectar gathering time is drawing to a close and suitable flowers are few and far between. It reminded me how important it is to share what we have with others, even if it isn't much.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend and reminding us all to
I'm a mother of one "out-of-college" daughter, inheritor of one cat,a dog and four chickens, full time medical secretary, gardener, painter of furniture, fixer-upper and handy woman around my house, passionate about decorating, lover of flea markets and yard sales, restorer of old things, but most importantly, a daughter of God. Blogging is a way to journal and share my life, passions, and journey with anyone interested enough to follow along.
I'm enjoying our Sedum now too but ours has a purple tint. Your pink is so pretty.
I love the honey that bees make.
Your sedum is gorgeous, and it is just too neat you were a beekeeper, what a neat thing to know.
My sedum is doing lovely too! Maybe the heat really helped it this year!
Thought of you this morning as today I will be harvesting the honey- hopefully there will be some with this dry weather we have had! Wanna come help!?
Hope your doing well friend! Need to to a phone chat soon!
bee blessed
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