I've been kind of caught up in all the outside work of keeping up with yard work and creating a chicken coop and run, that I haven't been blogging or visiting around for several weeks. Seems like forever since I've chatted with many of you, so I thought I'd share a little of my yard and what I've been preoccupied with.
View of the back yard from the deck. I haven't had time to get out the deck furniture yet.
Looking towards the back through the archway to the vegetable and herb garden.
As you can see ~ the vegetable and herb gardens are thriving.
The garden shed/greenhouse/chicken coop is covered with climbing roses in full bloom.
The chickens are now living in the coop, and I'll show it to you eventually when it's completely done. The run is in process and hopefully will be finished in a few weeks.
And last of all ~ a few blooms around the garden.
Hopefully by the end of June I'll be finished up with these current projects and be able to take a break, sit on the deck, enjoy the view, and blog a little more often. Until then ~ hope you're having a happy and productive summer.
I'm a mother of one "out-of-college" daughter, inheritor of one cat,a dog and four chickens, full time medical secretary, gardener, painter of furniture, fixer-upper and handy woman around my house, passionate about decorating, lover of flea markets and yard sales, restorer of old things, but most importantly, a daughter of God. Blogging is a way to journal and share my life, passions, and journey with anyone interested enough to follow along.