Gee ~ I've been away so long I forgot how to use the new blogger. Where does time go and how does one get so busy they don't even have time to post or read any blogs?
Just wanted to share a few pictures of my backyard roses while they are in full bloom. They always put on such a magnificent display that no words are necessary to describe their beauty.
My garden shed and greenhouse arbor is covered with New Dawn climbing roses.
The view from my deck.
There's nothing quite as old-fashioned and lovely
as roses climbing on a picket fence ~ sweet and simple.
I'm a mother of one "out-of-college" daughter, inheritor of one cat,a dog and four chickens, full time medical secretary, gardener, painter of furniture, fixer-upper and handy woman around my house, passionate about decorating, lover of flea markets and yard sales, restorer of old things, but most importantly, a daughter of God. Blogging is a way to journal and share my life, passions, and journey with anyone interested enough to follow along.