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I wanted to share a bench makeover that I have been working on for the last week. I found this bench at a yard sale and it had such good bones I couldn't resist it. Here is the before picture.
I'm trying to teach myself some new distressing techniques and it's mostly trial and error. I painted the bench black, but wanted several colors to show through after distressing. If anyone has any tips, I sure could use them. It came out okay, but not totally as I had envisioned. I based the underneath colors on this chicken fabric I found at Hobby Lobby and made pillows out of it.
Here is the bench in its finished form.
Here is a closeup (not a very good picture) or the distressing. I used red, gold and olive green underneath the black.
The most exciting part of this bench for me was teaching myself how to make double welting. I picked three other fabrics for the cushion of this bench before settling on this nubby cranberry fabric and the double welting enhances it tremendously.
I found these two chicken prints at the thrift store and bought them to go along with the bench. I used the same distressing technique on the frames. Sorry for the shadow line going right through the pictures.
Here they are all together before going off to the store.
While at the flea market over the weekend, I found this lovely tray with chickens on it and couldn't resist picking it up for the shop display. It wasn't a price at which I could make a profit, but it went so nicely with everything else, that I bought it anyways. It was being sold by a local lady with a store in town and I try to support my fellow entrepreneurs who are trying to make a living at what they love and are good at.
I love this tray with its subtle French postal markings in the background that it could almost convince me to start decorating with chickens. I find it more fun to take a vignette of things to the store than just one piece of refinished furniture. My next two projects are wicker and following that will be a garden vignette. I'm trying to turn out at least one piece of furniture a week for the store and after a fun weekend at the Springfield, Ohio Extravaganza flea market, I have a garage full of furniture to work on. ~ Linking with ~ Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday~ Life Made Lovely for Life Made Lovely Mondays~ The House in the Roses for Show Off Your Cottage Mondays~ Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
Smells like heaven here ~ or at least what I expect heaven to smell like. Last week both my wisteria and lilac were in bloom. It was hot and humid and the air was pregnant with fragrance. It was just heavenly. The fragrance was so strong it even filled the house. This is the wisteria growing on the arbor on my back deck.
Not only was I enjoying the fragrance, but the bumble bees were in a frenzy and fighting over blooms as the honey flow was on.
If you are afraid of bees, it wasn't necessarily the place to be, but they were honestly more interested in the flowers than anyone on the deck.
And then there were the lilacs ~ equal in fragrance ~ but no bees.
Those flowers are gone now ~ done in by the heat of last week. This week the feature fragrant flower is my honeysuckle trees, which smell just as sweet ~ or they would, if it would ever stop raining. Even the bees can't enjoy the honey flow when it's only in the 50's and raining. ~ Linking with ~ A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday
I am finally getting a few minutes to post about some sweet treasures I found while yard saling this weekend. Not much luck finding furniture for the shop, but finding lots of other fun things. Here's a little vignette to go with our non-stop rainy weather. Found these darling little rain boots and couldn't resist them. Perfect for holding a few flowers.
From the picture you probably can't tell, but they are children's boots ~ size 6. I just couldn't resist them. Also at this same sale I found this little garden basket and tiny little bird.
The basket is just large enough for a few garden tools and makes a delightful vignette for my living room mantel.
There's nothing like some cheery sunflowers to brighten a rainy day.
If only it would stop raining long enough to do some gardening.
Linking with ~ A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday~ House of Grace for Twice Owned Tuesday~ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday's Treasures~ Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays
Well ~ it was the time that the central Ohio bloggers have all been waiting for ~ the French Hen Spring Barn Sale. As usual ~ it was a feast for the eyes. I didn't get there until almost noon, so it was pretty picked over when I took these pictures, but check out Linda's blog for pictures that were taken before the sale began.
Don't you love these dress forms covered with vintage paper?
I bought the bird house in this picture. Unfortunately, it's not staying with me, but going on to the shop for resale, but I sure do love it. For at least a few days I will be enjoying it. Aren't her chandeliers gorgeous?
I love what she did with this vintage frame, paper and flowers.
Everywhere you looked were beautiful vignettes.
Be sure to check out Linda's blog to see more. I know I'll be heading over there to see what sold before I got there.
Linking with ~ Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays~ A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday~ House of Grace for Twice Owned Tuesday~ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday's Treasures
Last Mother's Day my daughter gave me the best present ever. The gift didn't arrive on Mother's Day nor was it celebrated on Mother's Day, but even to this day it makes me smile from ear to ear to think about it. So I suppose you're wondering what it is ~ I have to give a wee bit of history before I reveal the gift. I am a lover of horse racing ~ especially the Triple Crown races. I have watched The Derby, Preakness and The Belmont since I was a small child. It is my favorite time of the year. We don't have much horse racing here in Ohio, so my in person watching is limited to when we visit my brother and his wife in San Diego and we visit the Del Mar races ~ what a beautiful track! The track is called "Where the surf meets the turf" and that describes it exactly. From the stands, you not only see the track, but the mountains, palm trees, and the ocean. Well, last year, my daughter surprised me with tickets to The Preakness. Although I had lived in Baltimore for 15 years, I had never been to the races in Maryland. She bought the tickets on Ebay, so we had no idea what kind of seats we would have, but let me tell you ~ they were GREAT! We were 3 rows from the track directly in front of the finish line.
Right beside out seats was the winner's circle where the pictures were taken with the owners.
Some of the horses were hosed down immediately after the race, directly in front of us, so there was always something to entertain us between races.
This is Nicanor, the full brother and spitting image of the famous Barbaro. When he stepped onto the track, the cameras started clicking. Everyone wanted to see if Barbaro was reborn in Nicanor. Sadly he did not win, but he sure is a beauty.
The horses were saddled for The Preakness directly across the track from out seats, so we had a great view of all these famous thoroughbreds and their trainers.
Here is Super Saver, The Derby winner and favored to win The Preakness, but it was not to be.
This is my favorite picture. The starting gate was at the opposite end of the track from where we were sitting and yet it feels like it is happening right in front of us. This is when I first realized what a good camera I had.
Yesterday was The Derby and in two weeks, The Preakness will take place and all these memories will be revisited again. I will never forget this day. I told my daughter to never try to top this present because everything was perfect. I don't ever want to visit another Triple Crown race because I can't imagine it ever living up to that weekend.
Dresses and shoes ~ $100 Tickets ~ $250 Event Parking ~ $95 Memories ~ Priceless
To all the Mothers out there ~ wishing you a wonderful and memorable Mother's Day. ~ Linking with ~ A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday
First of all, I wanted to say a big thank you to Robin at All Things Heart and Home for featuring my desk makeover atAll Things Inspired last week. Here is a picture of it at the Open House.
Here are some cute stools my sister recovered along with a set of framed key plates. When you don't have walls for display purposes, you just have to make do with where you hang things.
Another of her pretty knit throws.
Here is the end table that you've seen before. It found a home next door at my neighbor's house, so I can visit it any time I start to miss it.
Some sweet words my sister made out of twigs.
These two pieces aren't exactly dark, but I forgot to include them in with the greens. They found a home with a lady I work with.
That's all for my open house, but tomorrow I'm heading over to the French Hen Farm barn sale. If you're an Ohio blogger, it is more than worth the trip to Marysville to see all of Karen's pretty things. I'll be showing you lots of pictures ~ if I don't go off in a hurry and forget my camera. Linking with ~ French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday~ I Love Pretty Little Things for Friday Pretties~ Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday~ At the Picket Fence for Inspiration Friday~ A Little Knick Knack for Everything But the Kitchen Sink