Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One More Time

Just one more time ~ one more snowman tablescape ~
and then I'm moving on to something other than snow and
snowmen and winter.
So ~ how do you like this little guy?
He's the star of this week's table and family gathering.
Since becoming addicted to dishes and setting pretty tables, I have 
found the secret to enjoying my dishes (and justifying
my guilt), is to share them with others.  Out of this discovery has 
come our every other month dinners with my Mother and
four sisters who live nearby.
We gather at someone's home, make great food and I bring
my dishes.   So here's our fun table for January.
 I can tell you all about the frilly ruffled place mats . . .
my white dinner plates and double-print napkins . . .
and the pretty stemware.
But what I really want to tell you about is the wonderful time
we have together reconnecting after busy days and hectic lives. 
The age difference between my oldest and youngest sisters is
20 years, but on this night, at this table, we are more than 
just mother and daughters ~ we are friends enjoying 
quality time together.  And I have found more important than any
pretty table ~  are the people at the table. 
Linking with
Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday 


  1. I so agree with your beautiful words at the end of this post! As much as I adore looking at these gorgeous pictures it is so nice to know that you will have loved ones sitting at the table with you and sharing a meal together!

    Blessings and best wishes always,

  2. He is just the cutest snowman ever! I love him. We are super cold but at least no snow, just freezing, freezing, freezing.

  3. Your table setting is beautiful but you're right, the most beautiful thing is the time spent with loved ones!

    I love snowmen AND those dishes but I was surprised at seeing him in February because I had my front door open all day and snowmen were the furthest thing from my mind on a day like today *smile*! Thanks for the reminder that it is still winter and that a lot of people are still getting snow and building snowmen!

  4. What a charming way to spend time with the important women of your life. I adore those cute snowmen dishes.

  5. What a wonderful post! You have captured the true meaning of "sharing the table". Thanks so much for your beautiful tablesetting, but mostly for your beautiful words!


  6. Darling plates! Pack those guys up and come on over. My snowmen are serving lunch today. ;-)
    Like you, I like to set a table that is actually going to be used for a meal. After all it's the sharing of the food with family and friends that makes a meal complete. A beautiful table is icing on the cake. ~ Sarah

  7. Hearing of the wonderful time spent together has made these cute little snowmen absolutely beautiful..


  8. How great your dishes prompted a ritual gathering! I am crazy about those glasses, and love the napkins with your snowman plates.


  9. That is really a great idea for you to get together and have dinner with your dishes and planning great meals! I wish I still had my mother and that my sister lived close enough.....treasure this time together!~Hugs, Patti

  10. How wonderful for you and your Mom and sisters. The table is great looking, love those Snowman plates.

  11. Pretty table. I love those snowmen!

  12. Love those snowman plates. the table is really beautiful.

  13. Wonderful table...very nice...I Love the plates

  14. Darling table! My sisters and I are also spread out, age-wise (and otherwise, come to think about it!), but we always have a wonderful time when we're together. We are truly blessed!

  15. What a lovely post! Your setting is so fun, I'm lovin' the great plates and chargers-enjoy:@)

  16. Love your snowmen plates. They are so cute! Pretty tablescape.

  17. I say use your snowmen plates as much as possible. It will be spring before you know it, not that we aren't looking forward to it, lol.
    Great post.

  18. Hello! Sounds like you had a wonderful meal with the ladies in your life. Beautiful plates..I love snowman. Yes the pieces I gifted Carolyn were green transferware. Enjoy your weekend!


  19. And I have found more important than any
    pretty table ~ are the people at the table.
    ...nothing is more true, enjoy every minute with your mother and sisters, they won't always be here.
    Beautiful table...the snowmen plates go so nicely with the placemat.

  20. The snowman plates are so cute, but I adore the frilly placemats. I love how the napkins bring out the colors of the plates.

  21. So true about the people at the table...I always find that my guests come 'out of themselves' when a table is set with the purpose of making them feel special. Your snowmen plates are the neatest ones that I've seen this season...precious! I love them with the aqua ruffled placemats...great color choices. Thank you for sharing your delightful design. Cherry Kay


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