Friday, February 4, 2011

To Be Loved

I cross-stitched this Valentine sampler all the way back
in February of 1985.  I didn't realize how old it was, but it's words
still ring true today.

I love the message on this sampler and the cheerful colors
promising that spring is just around the corner. 
I dressed the table with a pretty vintage linen and my lovely
strand of pearls.

And of course there has to be candy in some shape or form. . .

and candlelight . . . 

and cupids.  It wouldn't be Valentine's without cupids ~ one
of the cherished symbols of love.

So in this month and season that we associate with love,
let us remember all the year through, that 
"to be loved ~ be lovable".

Linking with

The Brambleberry Cottage  for Time Travel Thursday

French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
A Little Knick Knack  for Everything But the Kitchen Sink
Common Ground  for Vintage Inspiration Friday

My Romantic Home  for Show and Tell Friday
How Sweet the Sound  for Pink Saturday
Bargain Hunting with Laurie for A Few of My Favorite Things


  1. Hi Cindy!
    So glad you found me so that I could find you! I have to agree, truer words were never spoken.
    You did a beautiful job on that sampler! I love the colors!
    I hope you'll post some of those great treasures that you found today? (I love spode) I actually just came back from a craigslist run with a wonderful old I'll show you mine if you show me yours! *winks* Vanna

  2. I really love cross-stich and was into it back in the early 90's. Your piece is so sweet and I love the phrase. Pretty Valentine display. Thanks so much for linking up with VIF!

  3. Such a sweet vignette, Cindy! And your sampler is lovely. Some things just have an enduring quality about them - like needlework.

    So glad to have you join the party. I hope you'll link up each week.

    By the way, I just joined you as a follower. ;)

    Have a blessed weekend!
    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  4. Such a beautiful vignette. I love the words on your sampler! Happy PS!

  5. What a lovely thought and beautiful design. Perfect Valentine post. thank you for linking it to Favorite Things. laurie

  6. Beautiful vignette- love the pearls and your sampler is darling! Thank you for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  7. Hi Cindy - I just recently found your blog! I live in the Columbus area also. Your sampler is so sweet and I love the message. Your snowman tablescape is very cute (especially since it incorporates the color blue : ) and that is such a nice tradition that you have with your Mom and sisters. I grew up with 3 sisters and it is really nice to have the bonds that I have with them now even though I didn't appreciate them so much back then! I'm glad I found you! Let's pray for no more ice storms!!

  8. Cindy- Dionne did a fantastic job on you new blog look!! I just love the the whimsical way she draws! Woo Hoo don't you look good!!

    I had a tiny delay due to weather with mailing the box but it will be out by Tuesday hopefully!

    I am getting a post ready about the traveling fabric today and it should be up tomorrow- so excited to share my gift with others!

    Oh do you like lemon flavored food?

    bee blessed

  9. oops that should have read "my gift from you to others"

  10. Hi! I found you on A Little Knick Knack blog hop and am now following.
    I visited your Etsy shop too. I really love your Vintage English plates and bowls... so pretty!

    Jan at Jewelry4Change

  11. Ooops! when I scrolled down to read another post, I realized I have been to your blog. I just didn't recall the name of it, although I did recall these lovely photos with the pretty sampler. laurie

  12. Isn't this beautiful. I love samplers. My sister has done a lot of samplers. I should put them on the blog. Blessings. Linda

  13. What a beautiful vignette. I love that sampler and the sentiment. I found you over at Laurie's party. I am your latest follower. I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at Thanks so much. Looking forward to keeping up with your blog.


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