Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fury or Glory

Mother Nature is blasting a great majority of the country tonight
with everything from freezing rain to piles of snow.
I cautiously proceeded outside this evening to snap a few
pictures of our current version of winter ~ ice everywhere.

It is a virtual winter wonderland.  Unless of course you have to
venture outside.  Surprisingly, the roads were quite good today.  It was the 
sidewalks and parking lots that were treacherous.
I took a little embarrassing spill myself this morning, as did
many others.

The question is ~ is this winter's fury or glory?
One can't deny, the ice is dangerous, and more than just a nuisance.
But on the other hand ~ the bright side ~ or as I'm trying to
give it a positive spin ~ it is nature with all it's bling on.

My little garden shed in the background tucked away admidst
the ice-covered branches.

They're calling for pouring rain tonight turning to snow and 
an additional 1/4 inch of bling.

If we lose our electricity tonight, my positive attitude is most
likely to go with it :)

Linking with
A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday


  1. Wow! It's sooooo beautiful!
    Warmest blessings ~*~ Wendy ~*~

  2. I hear ya! Don't want the power to go out! Your photos are fabulous of winter's bling! Amazing how ice can be so pretty but so treacherous! Be careful!~Hugs, Patti

  3. I have never seen that much ice! It is beautiful, though.

  4. I love the ice photos. I think they'd be great at my Marcro linky party if you want to join.

  5. The ice and berries make a beautiful composition. Stay warm.

  6. you know, that i think the ice is beautiful, but i do realize how dangerous too. sorry you fell down! and i sure hope you don't loose your electricity! oh my, mother nature is wreaking havok everywhere it seems.hunker down and stay safe.
    LOVE you header!!

  7. Lovely composition and you have the eye for photography.
    Joyce M

  8. Your yard looks so lovely in the winter, but I can hardly wait to see it in the summer!

  9. What beautiful Christmas cards your photos would make!
    XO Diane

  10. What beautiufl photos! As for me, I am not a fan of ice storms...especially if you lose power! Nice to look at, as you are, from inside! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  11. Your photos are outstanding.

    I hope that ice doesn't cause any power problems. We had that a few years back and over half the city was without power for over a week!

    Stay safe and warm.


  12. What gorgeous photos! Living in Florida, I don't get the opportunity to take snow & ice pics! I am new to blogging and have much to learn still on my own blog! I will definately be adding Custom Comforts to my Blog List! Thanks for sharing and I hope you stayed warm!

  13. Gorgeous photos of the ice. Stay safe and warm.Blessings, Pamela

  14. Your pictures are gorgeous, Cindy. I love the contrast of the red berries against the ice. I posted about the snow/ice storm myself - called it "Nature's Crystal Cathedral". I love that you call it "nature with all its bling on"!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry cottage


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