Monday, January 31, 2011

I Just Couldn't Help Myself

What's a woman to do when you're standing in line at the grocery
store and these daffodils on clearance are staring you down?

At first, I just leaned over to smell them, and then stepped back
in line.  But ~ they kept calling my name.
Besides ~ there's a nasty snow and ice storm coming in tonight
and I needed a little "fix" to get me through the next
onslaught of nasty weather.

So ~ with my daffodils in one hand and a bag of Hershey's kisses
in the other, I went through the self check-out line.
Now I know you're laughing at me, but over the weekend while
I was out, my daughter's dog somehow got up on my desk
and ate half my stash of kisses.  

  While everyone else is stocking up before the storm on the necessities of milk 
and bread, I'm buying flowers and candy.  A person has to do what they 
need to survive.  And oh yeah ~ the
dog is just fine ~ he has a stomach of steel.
But doesn't my desk look so much cheerier?

Isn't this yellow and white striped pitcher sweet?  I just
love it's cheerfulness.  It's not vintage and it's not handmade, so
I can't sell it in my Etsy shop, but it will go up for sale at
my next open house in May.  I found both the pitcher and bowl at
 Goodwill  on one of my treasure hunts and I love how they brighten
 my desk with sunshine.

I don't think I've ever had such a good time posting  pictures.
It's amazing how a splash of yellow can lift your spirits.

I hope they've lifted your spirits too!

I'm linking with
A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday
Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday
Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures for Macro Party
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday's Treasures
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays


  1. Love the look of the yellow daffodils against the crisp white snow! Can't wait for spring! ~Susie

  2. Love the daffodils and the kisses, how else is a girl to survive the storm. Stay warm & safe!!

  3. I love yellow daffodils in the dead of winter! They are really a pick me up! Your flowers look so pretty next to the yellow pitcher and bowl! So sunny looking while knowing the dreaded ice storm is coming...ugh.~Hugs, Patti

  4. I am so glad that you did what any self-respecting woman in that situation would do - buy them and take them home to brighten your world. And chocolate, well, you KNOW how I feel about that. Good choices!

  5. Yes, ma'am! I'm walking on sunshine now! I love your gorgeous yellow daffs! They are just the most beautiful flower and look so pretty on your desk and I'm a big fan of those Hershey's kisses too! :)
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Yes, it definitely cheered me up! I love the yellow!!! Think Spring!

    I almost bought flowers last week but then changed my mind. Guess I was just being cheap ; )

  7. I love the bit of yellow sunshine your created! And chocolate? Oh, yeah! I love your photo's, thank you for linking to Masterpiece Monday. Have a great week and stay warm! Mary :O)

  8. What a bright and pretty way to start the day. Thanks so much for sharing.

  9. Wow I love your daffodil photos. That last shot looks like I could reach out and touch it. Thanks for linking up. We have the same bad weather you are having.

  10. Oh i would have bought them also. They are fabulous and just warm the heart. Love them. Thanks so much for joining TTT. hugs, Marty

  11. Oh, candy and flowers.You can't go wrong! What a photographic talent you have. Nice vinettes and winter scenes.


  12. That yellow vingette is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  13. What a gorgeous and bright post! Chocolate and candy. A girl after my own heart. Your photography is outstanding.
    Finding you via Debbie's Newbie party. I'm your newest follower and would be delighted to have you follow me back!
    Have a great day!

  14. OH, how beautiful! I love daffodils. I can't wait until Spring!!
    I did the same thing while at the grocery store the other night. I picked up some white tulips and almost put them back because I didn't want to spend the 10 bucks, but then I decided that I had to have them!! I just love seeing them in my window. They make me happy!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!
    I'm your newest follower!! :)

  15. The last lines of William Wordsworth's poem,
    "And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils." So true and so very pretty for this winter's day.

    I live in south Ga. and my daffodils are just sprouting through the ground. It won't be long.

  16. Chocolate makes everything better. Your vignette is very cheerful and springy. You KNOW that means I love it!

    I hope you are weathered the first wave of the storm and are prepared for the second wave tonight. I stayed home today and am not sure I'll make it tomorrow. I don't mind driving on snow, but this ice freaks me out.

    Stay warm and safe, my friend. La

  17. That's one of the happiest jugs that I've ever seen. I bet you only have to look at it to find yourself grinning from ear to ear!

    I love it that you bought daffies and sweets!!! A girl after my own heart!


  18. Love your beautiful daffodils. Found you at Tracy's party and it is my first time to try my hand at macros. I can see I have a lot to learn and may have gone for something to small without a special lens.

  19. Very pretty! One of my favorite flowers. I love your daffodils with the snow scene out the window.

  20. What pretty pics you took!! Very cheery on a cold winter day. Thanks for stopping by my blog from the newbie party .... I will be adding you to my list as well :)
    Love your pictures with the "canvas" kinda look to them,,,how did you do that? Do share :)

  21. Thanks for brightening my day today. Hope you're staying out of the ice!

  22. Hi there,
    you have a lovely blog. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a lovely comment. Your yellows are so pretty. I am a new follower.
    Donna xx

  23. How smart you were to buy your own sunshine! Like a mother hen, I keep checking my flowerbeds, looking for the signs of a promise that warmer days are to come. Glad the pooch is OK. ;)

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


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