Sunday, January 30, 2011

Beside Still Waters

I was on my way to my parents home the other night and
was taken with how much whiter everything is out in the country.
I think it's because it's more untouched by humans and snowplows.
I quickly pulled in at one of the state parks along the reservoir and
snapped a few pictures.

I know we've all seen enough of winter snow scenes and had our fill
of snow ~  including me.  Some even suffer from depression during
these long dark days with less sunlight.
As I was pondering my frustrations with winter and longing for spring,
I was reminded last night of Solomon's wise words from Ecclesiastes 3:1.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose."
Right then and there I realized in God's eyes, this
season is necessary and I made a decision to embrace winter
and enjoy its benefits.

For some of the animals, it is a time of hibernation.  As I
thought about this in terms of my life, I realized how instinctive
it is in winter to want to "snuggle down" in my home.  When I
finished my design classes in early December, all I did was sleep for 
several weeks and woke up just in time for Christmas.
Just like the snowy landscape, my body needed this rest after going
full speed for months on end.

All of nature, from the animals to plant life, take a break from reproducing.
They rest and survive from the reserves that they have stored up during the summer. 
We all live rushed and hectic lives and I must admit that I am a very
"driven" person.  My Mother is constantly telling me to "slow down", 
"you're getting older, and your body needs more rest".  Her words, "you're
going to ruin your health" constantly ring in my ears.  On this 
"Seasonal Sunday", I am going to embrace both the sabbath and the season,
and rest as God intended it to be.

And as all of nature slows down, I am going to give myself "permission"
to slow down, take a few more naps, read a few more books, visit 
with friends and simply give thanks for God's built-in sabbath.

And while I long for spring, I am going to look for the God-given beauty 
of winter and give thanks for this time He has appointed 
to restore my soul.

"He leadeth me beside the still waters.  He restoreth my soul."
Psalm 23: 2-3
Linking with
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays


  1. Beautiful post, awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing...

  2. Very nice, seems quiet and serene-enjoy:@)

  3. This is such a beautiful tribute to winter... I DO love the restful feeling of it... and this year with all the snow we have blanketing everything the gardens should be gorgeous once spring DOES COME! The beauty in your pictures should be framed... Thank you so much for sharing.
    Hugs, Donna

  4. So true. I love winter. I don't like driving in the ice and snow but I still love it. This winter reminds me of winters when I was a child. There was always snow on the ground. I am also getting good at resting on the week-ends, hah.

  5. Nicely written, Cindy. The sun is shining brightly this afternoon. I hope you have a well-deserved rest today and a wonderful work week. La

  6. what a nice post, thank you for writing it.

  7. So glorious, illuminous, so mystical and magical.

    - The Tablescaper

  8. I so enjoyed your post, that I just went back and reread it. It's the perfect sentiment. Instead of snarling at this very long snow filled winter, we need to take from it - to rest and try to nourish our souls. Wonderful post. Thanks so much for making it a part of Seasonal Sundays and for the inspirational message.

    - The Tablescaper

  9. He nudges us, doesn't He. If we just pay attention to His little taps on our shoulder...That's what winter is all about, but we in our highly technological age think we should be able to keep going. His nature alone can make us humble again. :-)
    Beautiful post! Thank you!
    XO Diane

  10. Not only is is beautiful and clean, it so so relaxing to see the fresh pristine snow out in the country!

  11. Beautiful pictures. I know that I'm in the minority, but I love winter and snowfilled days. Thanks for sharing :)

  12. Beautiful pictures. Really enjoyed them.. But I am so ready for Spring. LOL

    Found your site from Debbiedoo's link up party

    Hope you have a great week

  13. OUtstanding post and photos. I have never experienced a winter quite like that.

  14. Beautiful pictures and post! I am your newest follower!

  15. Hello Cindy ,I love your winter/snow photos ,they make me feel cooler just looking at them ,it is only 9am and already 80F ,we are looking at another over the 100F day.I hope you stay warm!
    I am your newest follower.


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