Monday, March 25, 2013

You're Invited to a Garden Party

Since  snow and more snow is the only thing in the forecast, I decided to throw a garden party. Maybe if I hope hard enough I can guilt winter into going away.  So ~ today I'm ignoring the snow outside and celebrating spring's arrival 
with a garden party and you're invited.
Every pretty garden should have an entrance gate that beckons you to come in.
A pretty table and fresh cut flowers are a must.
images via:
Whimsical Raindrop Cottage 
And of course every garden party has to have beautiful cupcakes and pink lemonade.
 images via:
Vintage Rose Garden
Cindy Ellis Art 
Inspiration Lane 

And every garden should have roses ~ lots of roses.
 images via:
Kathy Brown's Garden
ZsaZsa Bellagio 
Better Homes and Gardens 
Vintage Rose Collection 

So if where you live it is cold and snowy ~ this invitation is for you.  
Come dream with me of warmer fragrant days ahead.
Linking with
Mod Vintage Life for Mod Mix Monday


  1. oui , je m' installerais bien
    sur votre terrasse pour profiter
    d' un peu de soleil
    et d' un bon thé ♥♥♥
    c' est si agréable de prendre l' air
    après un hiver si long
    bonne journée
    edith (iris ) France

  2. Lovely post! Longing for Spring!!

  3. Thanks so much for the lovely virtual garden party. I can't wait to get back outside and bring my gardens back to life. Have a wonderful day! Love, Wanda

  4. Great pictures, they all look like a fabulous garden ready for a party. Hugs, marty

  5. Your photos are so uplifting this Monday morning. I especially love the one with the gate. Poor you that you are getting more snow. March is a hard month to get through, isn't it. I think it's the hardest month of the year.

  6. Gorgeous! I'm a sucker for all things garden...especially this time of year. We're having a cold snap here in Texas but the trees are starting to leaf out and spring is on the horizon. Here's to hoping spring comes your way soon! Until then, I love your idea of creating it on your blog. The pictures are so beatiful...I especially love that lavender lined walk and the gorgeous gate in the first pic. (stopping by from Mod Vintage LIfe)

  7. I like to spend my evenings at that beautiful garden...

  8. Thank you for inviting me to your party! It was lovely!.. The photos are BEAUTIFUL.. So longing for Spring myself..
    Robyn :)

  9. Thank you for inviting us through the gate for a virtual garden party in such lovely surroundings.

  10. Now thats a party I truly enjoyed! What a wonderful treat on such a dreary day! Thank you so much for the invite!

  11. I wish I could be there for your garden party :)
    I received a lovely, warm letter from my sweet friend who lives far from me. For years we have not communicated, but now we have reconnected, and it is such a joy for me! I love your love for beauty and for creating beauty. I love it too. I think that it is part of being created in the image of our Creator God--as He created the beauty of this earth for us, with all the columbine and lilacs, the wrens and the peacocks, the blue spruce and the towering oaks, the blue blue skies and the we have that love of beauty in us too! I'm so glad He has given this to us. It sure makes living here more delightful, doesn't it?

  12. For the longest time I have wanted to throw a garden party of my own. Somehow I know mine could never look as lovely as these images, but they are definitely inspiring! I'll have to start a Garden Party board on Pinterest.

    So glad you are still blogging, Cindy! This post was a delight to see this morning!

  13. Thank you for that, here in Umbria Italy it has been raining for months with gray skys The flowers are starting to show up. I'm just waiting for the SUN.

    Really pretty images.


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