Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March Madness

I don't know about you, but March has a way of driving me mad ~ and I don't mean basketball ~ it's this crazy weather.  
I look forward to March with such high hopes of spring and warmer weather and flowers. But, more often than not, it leaves me disappointed and only wishing it would hurry on so we could get to April.
This has been one of those Marches.  Every so often there is a tease of spring, 
and then it's back to snow, cold temps, and raw winds.

 Oh well ~ what can you do except wait it out?
Linking with 
A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday 


  1. March is the strangest of months. I remember last year, sometime in March, we had two or three days of summer weather. People were walking out in sundresses and sandals. And then it turned to winter again.

  2. It seems lately that all of the good weather here has been during the week, and weekends have been misty/cloudy/cold/windy and I'm done with it! I'm in central Texas, and I realize we'll be complaining about the heat too soon, but I long for shorts and flip flops to be the dress of the day, sigh. And I hope this latest cold snap didn't kill off the hill country peach crop ... here's hoping we all have nice weather soon!


  3. I know the feeling. I was really starting to get kind of down yesterday. I'm not usually one who gets affected from the weather but march is zapping my energy. Plus I think my kids need some good outside time. I'm waiting it out with you....if all goes well we may hit 50 by the end of the week which would hopefully allow some of my plants to poke their heads out of the ground!!!!

  4. Warmer weather coming this weekend but now I hear it is going to rain for Easter. The grayness really gets me down. I just wrote about it on my blog. ~Hugs, Patti

  5. We've really had weird weather all over, I think. Spring in West Texas is usually full of wind and sandstorms...not my fav. season...but we have beautiful and HOT summers that I love. :)

  6. The old saying about March winds has been very true and bringing us more swirling snow storms. It's been a little calmer today so have been able to go out for Easter food shopping - too cold to linger and no photo opportunities! x

  7. hello
    un lapin qui nous tire la langue
    quel malin:::::
    à bientôt

  8. Hi Cindy~
    Nice photos! Our weather is fairly stable unless we get a Santa Ana wind, then temps heat up - dry and gusty. I enjoy the brisk sunny spring days, and am spoiled by short-sleeved weather from here through October. The good thing is we don't have to bundle up to go out, but the downside is that we don't really have 4 distinct seasons. HAPPY Easter~


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