Monday, June 11, 2012

Everything is Coming Up Roses

Gee ~ I've been away so long I forgot how to use the new blogger.  Where does time go and how does one get so busy they don't even have time to post or read any blogs?
Just wanted to share a few pictures of my backyard roses while they are in full bloom.  They always put on such a magnificent display that no words are necessary to describe their beauty.

My garden shed and greenhouse arbor is covered with New Dawn climbing roses.

The view from my deck.

There's nothing quite as old-fashioned and lovely
as roses climbing on a picket fence ~ sweet and simple.



  1. Cindy - your roses are gorgeous! J

  2. So glad to see your post Cindy!! Your roses are gorgeous! My new dawn rose was looking fabulous - I went to take pictures today and something is eating on it- tiny little holes in all the petals! So disappointed. Guess I need to do some investigating and figure out what it is- know it's now cutter bees as we had those in NM and this looks different.

    Cooked for 100-140 last week at Rodeo Bible Camp and am trying to re-coop from almost 5 weeks of running- I am SOOOOO tired but it has been a good time of weddings and camps and know at some point the energy will hopefully come back. I did dig up some iris that were choking one of my roses- I can't believe how fast they multiply!

    How are you doing friend? Do you have the summer off or do you work all summer? Any plans?

    bee blessed

  3. gorgeous views! So peaceful looking.

  4. So gorgeous! Love the trellis, love the color of the roses! Thanks for sharing the beauty. Mary

  5. Your roses are gorgeous. Love them climbing on the picket fence and the garden shed.

  6. Hi Cindy! The view from your deck is one of a kind. It looks so peaceful out there, I just want to look and look. Your roses are very pretty!

  7. SUch a beautiful yard. Love the roses. Hoping yor busy is a happy busy.

  8. Ohhhh, those are gorgeous roses. I have a New Dawn but not that other luscious colour!

  9. You have the most BEAUTIFUL things!! I just love how you have everything arranged. I am just getting started with blogging. May you be blessed! ~~Annabell


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