Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Perfect Chicken

I've always wanted to keep a few chickens at my house and have been tinkering with the idea for several years now.  There are a few important obstacles in my way though.  First of all, I don't need one more thing to do, take care of, or feed.  Next is the issue of building a chicken coop.  There certainly are many pretty ones out there to stir the imagination.  Then, there are the wild critters that already live in my yard, like the possum who lives under my deck, and the raccoon that lives in the eaves of my garden shed.  And last, but not least are my own pets, who would torment them ~ most likely.  Beside my two cats, there is Moby, a miniature dachshund.

Now he may look innocent enough, but he tangles with the possum every chance he gets and loves to torment the cats.
This weekend, at The Rural Society Antique & Garden Show, I found the solution to my chicken cravings.
Wha~la.  The perfect chicken.

Saw this little lady and knew I just had to have her.  She was the answer to all my chicken dreams.

She was the perfect picture of weathered cement.

She looks so lovely resting by the rain barrel, but the best part is, I don't have to feed her or worry about her safety.
She's just perfect.
Linking with
Thrifty Decorating for Thrifty Thursdays
The Charm of Home  for Home Sweet Home



  1. Cindy....LOVE IT! So cute and no mess! ~hugs,Patti

  2. LOL! these too are my very favourite chickens. Great pics. So very pleased to meet you and thanks so much for sharing, I will follow on my way out so I know the path back to your special place. I hope you will find the time to come visit me soon and do the same. I look forward to supporting and engaging together. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  3. I have been thinking about having chickens for a couple of years now. But as time goes by, I think less of having them. Like your new chicken.
    Good to see you at the sale.
    I love your little doggie. He is a cutie.

  4. I agree - she is the perfect chicken!! And Moby is darling!

  5. Moby is adorable! And the cement chicken will definitely be easier to clean up after! ;-)


    p.s. Just added you to my blog roll!

  6. Moby is adorable! And the cement chicken will definitely be easier to clean up after! ;-)


    p.s. Just added you to my blog roll!

  7. Love your garden chickens and your outdoor chandelier. You have a lovely site and I'm excited to be come a follower. Please accept my warm and humble invitation to visit and to follow me, too. Connie :)

  8. Adorable miniature dachshund you.
    I have Olivia(miniature dachshund) that is the joy of the house.

  9. Oh Cindy where in the world have I been!!! I missed your last post on Moby and your Perfect Chicken. I have been wanting to have chickens as I have never tried raising them and it seems like a fun idea, but like you, I am not sure I need to add another thing to my plate right now.

    Getting ready to start Rodeo Bible Camp this weekend -I help cook for about 100- 125 people so it is a big job- always enjoy it!

    Gotta play catch up with you on the phone one of these days friend!

    bee blessed

  10. Hi, I'm missing you, it's been a month since we last heard from you. Hope all is well in your part of the world! Hugs ~ Mary

  11. I had no idea that you had a dachshund. We have two delightful doxies.


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