Monday, February 4, 2013

Sowing Seeds of Change

Like everyone else, I made New Year's resolutions and so far, so good.  In fact, they are going really well, so well that I've decided to sow more seeds of change into my life.  Instead of starting off strong at the beginning of the year and then losing steam, I decided to continue to set new resolutions at the beginning of every month.  But instead of calling them resolutions, which in most of our minds means promises to ourselves we don't keep, I want to think of it as "sowing seeds of change", which speaks to me of new growth.

In January, I tackled two very longstanding and difficult areas for me ~ drinking excessive amounts of Coke and picking my fingernails.   Both areas are going well, and new habits of drinking water and being kind to my hands are being established, thanks be to God who gives strength.  
 images via The Nesting Corral and Active Beat
They say it takes at least three weeks to establish a new habit and I thought that working on a couple areas each month was a great way to bring lasting change into my life.
I don't know about you, but there are so many areas of my life that need some changes, that it's hard to know which ones to focus on next, but I know changing my eating habits must be a priority on the list.  I realize as I am getting older and nearing 60, that I must start to listen to my body which is screaming at me through pain and fatigue, or there will be an even higher price to pay in the future.   
Fortunately, I have joined a small group of Christian women and we are studying the book, Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst, and my daughter is on a health kick too, so I have lots of company on my journey and encouragement from many sources.

The seeds of change I've chosen to sow in February are eating healthier and doing the exercises the physical therapist gave me to strengthen my back.  One of these months, eliminating sugar from my diet will be a seed I must sow ~ but not this month.  Baby steps for now.
Would anyone out there like to join me on my monthly "Sowing Seeds of Change" agenda?
If so, what seeds are you sowing in February?  



  1. What a great idea to do changes throughout the year that you're more likely to accomplish rather than so many at the beginning of the year then forgotten halfway through.

    Hubby & I are currently changing our eating habits as well. He has a serious, life-threatening heart condition and nothing can be done for him. Through lots of prayer and a change in diet he is still here and doing better, praise be to God!

    It's not easy changing the way one eats but we know it's important and the diets I have chosen are basically eating real food (Paleo) and no gluten. It's actually very tasty and fairly easy to cook.

    Now that I am getting more comfortable and accustomed to this way of cooking, shopping and eating I will find another area of my life that needs some change. Thanks for the challenge!

    Maybe you should have a Seeds of Change linky each month. It's a fantastic idea and I would definitely link up!

    Good luck on all planting and watering your seeds of change!

  2. I like your idea of sowing seeds of change rather than making resolutions. I think that would be easier to follow through on.

  3. Hi Cindy! Sorry for being late to comment. I love your concept of Sowing Seeds of Change. I really need something in my life right now to motivate me. This could be it. I would feel less alone. You know, that other people are doing the same thing. That I'm part of a group.

    I have stopped making resolutions years ago. That just did not work for me. I love your idea of sowing seeds of change at the beginning of each month. I would love to stop eating potato chips. I am addicted to them and they're not good for me. I'm seventy-one and I need to watch my blood pressure and I see a cardiologist once a year for a heart condition. So, I really need to stop eating them.

    So I will sow this seed. I have half a bag left. I will try to throw it out. I don't know if I will be able to though. Do you find it hard not drinking coke. My mother is eighty-nine and she's addicted to pepsi.

    Another seed I would like to sow is to work on something for my dollhouse every day. Just take the time to do it. Wish me luck! Good luck in your endeavours to overcome your addiction to coke.


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