Sunday, February 3, 2013

Scripture Sunday ~ Giving Back

The other day I was thinking about all the lovely flower photos I have pinned on Pinterest and how they cheer and give sunshine to my soul in the midst of a cold and snowy winter.  I suddenly realized that the sunshine they receive while they are growing they freely give back when they bloom.
 images via Vicki Horton, Moonlight Rainbow, and hepsylone
I was awed by their giving, which brought to mind this verse from the Beatitudes, 
"Give, and it shall be given unto you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you again."
Luke 6:38
images via Cowparsley and Victoria Station
As I pondered this verse and the example of the flowers which give so freely, I stopped to examine my own life and asked myself and God, "How can I give more freely?"  Not to get back (although the verse does promise that), but because so much has already been given to me.  How can I give my life away to God and to others is the question I am challenging myself with today.
images viaVictoria Station, Au pays des merveilles, and flickr
I hope that these beautiful flower photos so beautifully given via Pinterest bring sunshine to your soul on this snowy February Sunday morning. 
Linking with 
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays 


  1. Gorgeous photos and I love the one of the sunflowers and lavender! What a nice way of thinking that even the flowers are giving to those around them! Enjoy your Sunday!
    Miss Bloomers

  2. These are beautiful photos of some of God's best work!! I enjoyed your post. You did spread some sunshine today!

  3. Beautiful! What a wonderful question for us all to ask ourselves. We can all give a little to someone else everyday to make the world a better place! The flowers make me so excited for spring!!! Enjoy the day!!

  4. Beautiful photos and thoughts. How to focus beyond myself is always something I work on...

    Later this evening, I'll be posting about a fun, easy way to "give back" during this Valentine season. I hope you'll stop by and check it out.

  5. Thank you for those lovely photos. Very uplifting. I especially love purple flowers and I adore lilacs!

  6. First of all, what a good eye for choosing beauty to share. Second, I love the question you are asking of yourself and God and the verse you shared. What a colorful, sweet and thought provoking post. Third, a snowy day sounds lovely. I'm sure to many of you in the North it might get tiring, but for those of us who have year round sameness, a snowy day sounds like a bit of wonder. With that said, it was gorgeous here today; sunny, coolish and breezy. A perfect Florida Sunday.
    Liz @ Quirky Vistas

  7. what gorgeous images and beautiful thoughts.

    Wonderful to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  8. That is just lovely, Cindy = so beautifully stated.

    What a remarkable gift that promise is to us all, too, yes?

    Have a blessed Sunday.


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