Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Favorite Projects of 2011

Seems like everyone is doing "the year in review" posts, so I thought I'd join along and show some favorite projects of 2011.
In January I made some knit pillows from Goodwill sweaters that I first saw demonstrated over at French Kissed.
Then in February I had two favorite projects and couldn't decided between them, so I'll share them both.  The first are the Fleur de lis prints with repainted frames. . .

followed by the vintage eggs that were demonstrated over at The Vintage Nest.
In March, my favorite is this dear little nest and sweet butterfly made from double-sided printed paper.

In April I refinished a desk for our spring Open House.

In May, I refinished this bench, reupholstered it, and made chicken pillows to match.
In June I had lots of favorites, but this garden bench I found at a flea market was number one.  It was a church pew in it's previous life and if I had had anywhere to put it, I would have kept it.  But off it went to the store and sold within 24 hours along with everything on it.
In July I refinished this wrought iron table and chairs and gave the seats a face lift with pretty geranium fabric.
August was a slow month for me, but I managed to refinish this old writing desk and send it off to the store.
September was an even slower month or maybe I just wasn't posting much, but I gave this oak icebox a makeover since it wasn't selling in it's original oak form.
In October, I made a trio of chalkboards from old frames that were full of personality.  This one seemed to be the favorite among bloggers and also the first to sell at the store.
In November, I refinished this antique dresser and fell in love with it in the process.  Nevertheless, it went off to the store sporting a very high price tag.  But ~ after a few weeks ~ I found a place to put it, and back home it came to live out it's days with me.
And last ~ but not least ~ is my own hutch come home from the store for a makeover and a new place of prominence in the dining room.
The store kept me busy this year trying to keep my space full.  My New Year's resolution is to slow down and use my energy and time to feather my own nest, rest, spend more time with family and friends, and read a good book.


  1. You've accomplished some really cute projects this past year! I enjoyed the story of your have it filled so *cutely*!
    Thanks for coming by my place...

  2. You did a great job all year, Cindy. Hope you continue much blogging, sure is a pleasure to see new posts from you - such a talented crafter, photographer and writer...definatley one of my FAV blogs!

    GREAT year review, you should be very proud of the job you did!!!

  3. I feel so lazy when I see all the projects you've completed and I've hardly done a thing! My bathroom has been torn apart for over a month and I still don't feel like finishing it.

    Love everything, including the new header. You're such a talented lady, Cindy!

  4. Great posts and I remember most of these projects. My favorite is the...there is just too many to pick!

  5. You had some amazing projects last year Cindy! I love all the furniture refinishing you did and hope to do a little of that this coming year.

    I love your New Years resolution! Do you need an accountability partner?!!

    Happy New Year!

  6. I just found your blog, and I am delighted.
    Your projects are wonderful!
    I can't wait to read your previous posts.

    I am a new follower, and I enjoyed visiting.

    Happy New Year!

    White Spray Paint

  7. Great review. Looking forward to seeing more in the coming year. All the best to you.

  8. Thank you for visiting my blog a few days ago. I'm a bit slow in getting back to you, but it certainly was worth the trip over to Custom Comforts. I've enjoyed seeing your wonderful projects and will return again. I'm off to hit the follow button...

  9. All of your projects are just wonderful. Your antique dresser is so pretty ~ I would want to keep it too!

  10. I'd choose a favorite if I could, but I love it all..
    you sure did a lot of beautiful projects..
    I enjoyed my visit here and will be coming back to see what you do next.

    Happy New Year
    Sonny~ 155 Dream Lane

  11. I love your New Year's Resolution!!


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