Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall in the Country

Once again, words don't do justice for this
beautiful farm that hosted The Rural Society Fall Antique & Garden Show. 
I think this may be the prettiest farm I've ever
seen or maybe it is the gardens that I fell in love with.
Anyways ~ see for yourself.


And then there was the chicken coop.


Doesn't this look like the perfect place to live ~
filled with personality and peace?
Visit this beautiful farm at http://theruralsociety.com/
Linking with
A Beach Cottage for Good Life Wednesdays 
A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesdays 
All Things Heart and Home for All Things Inspired 



  1. What beautiful photos. I really like seeing this type of post. Must have been wonderful to walk around there. Ohio is very pretty and green.

  2. I'm so happy to know of this event--can't wait till it happens again. Thanks so much for visiting my Fall Porches post, because it brought me to this beautiful post. Wonderful pictures that remind us that Ohio really is a beautiful place pretty much all year round (though we complain about the weather:) ) I'm your newest follower! Thanks for following me!

  3. What a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing it. The gardens are awesome.

  4. Lovely place, looks so serene and lovely photos too. Thanks so much for dropping by and joining Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays linky party.

  5. What a great little farm...I love that chicken coop! Wonderful!! The forest at the edge of the farm too...love it all!!

  6. I LOVE the little decorative touches in this garden - just beautiful. And that chicken coop! amazing!


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