Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday afternoon lunch

From looking at all the beautiful tablescape blogs, 
I began purchasing dishes, a little here, a little there.
But along with my new dishes came a little guilt too - more
dishes than one person needed and how was I
 to justify this new addiction?
So . . . I decided to start having people over to eat and
I started with my parents for a simple Sunday
afternoon lunch.  I'm ashamed to say it's been
years since I've invited my aging parents over for a meal, 
mostly because I'm just too busy (at least that's what I
told myself).
Since it was an absolutely beautiful 80 degree day, I decided to
have the meal out on the deck.  My impatients on the table were 
looking somewhat scraggly, so I added pumpkins, gourds, moss, and pyracantha berries to the arrangement to set the mood.

I set the table for three with my new fall leaf dishes from
Dollar Tree along with plaid napkins I found at Old
Time Pottery.

It's a pretty simple table as I haven't been able to justify to
myself yet buying chargers and napkin rings.  Notice that
"yet" is the key word here.

I discovered the beauty of the table was not in the dishes, 
but the company of my parents, the beautiful day, and 
the colorful table arrangement.

My parents were delighted to be invited and we had a
wonderful time together.  I shall not wait as long to
invite them again.

I am linking up with The Tablescaper  for
Seasonal Sundays.


  1. Fantastic!! It looks great. I'm so happy you had a great time with your parents.Great dishes...Kathy

  2. Everything just looks beautiful! You have quite a way with using natural elements...I love that!

  3. Your arrangement is very pretty! Nice job. Sounds like a really nice time with family. Every time I think I'm done decorating for fall, I read a blog post or see a beautiful picture and want to do more!

  4. This is the best post I have read all day. Not that the others weren't good -- but you have come up with the absolute BEST reason ever to have a well-stocked supply of dishes. GUESTS!

    How wonderful to invite your parents after such a long time -- they must have been tickled. I especially like that you will invite them again. I learned this year that parents are not forever. I wish I could invite my mother for a meal here.

    PLUS your table looks lovely!
    Wonderful post; it really moved me...

  5. If it's any consolation... I have a zillion dishes and I am not sure why... LOL I hardly ever entertain, but if I did, well let's just say I would have the pick of rgw dishware section... Your table looks absolutely lovely. Well done!


  6. I'm sure they were thrilled. And what a beautiful table you set for them!

  7. Wonderful table! How did I miss those dishes at Dollar Tree? Love the center piece. See, collecting all of those dishes has inspired you to entertain.

    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  8. what a nice and special event you made for your parents. It looks so pretty.

  9. It's true that the beauty of the table is the company gathered there. However, you set a lovely table and the centerpiece is perfect. Love the naturalness of it!


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