Friday, October 8, 2010

So Simple

We are so often overwhelmed by all the
"things" in life, that we miss the very beautiful 
and simple things.
I found this very little plate at
Goodwill a few weeks ago for $.59.  I laid a
soft bed of moss from my yard in it and topped it
with a mini pumpkin and was amazed at its
simple elegance.

Sweet little gourds making a statement in 
simple settings.
These little fellows found their way into an 
old rusty muffin tin.

And then there are gourd topiaries sitting 
proudly on their perch.

Can you tell I'm fascinated with gourds this year?

I am joining Cindy at Show and Tell Friday over at
My Romantic Home.


  1. Very sweet, simple decorations. I love the bargain plate with moss and baby pumpkin. Great job! Susan

  2. I so love the simple elements you have used....truly inspired and beautiful. The gourds in the muffin tin....brilliant idea. Seeing these little vignettes just lifts my spirit! Thank you.

  3. Cindy you have a gift. Have been so busy with house and kids. Haven't had time to freshen up my blog but I do take a few minutes each day to look through some others. Really lifts my spirits. Let me know your schedule. Would love to stop by this weekend to see what you are working on.

  4. These are all so sweet and the plate is gorgeous.

    I'm a new follower stopping by from Show n Tell Friday at Romantic Home.

    Happy Fall to you!


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