It's income tax time which means it's time to start thinking about how I want to spend my return. I usually use it to do one major project on my home - something I can't normally afford to do otherwise. But this year, I decided I wanted to use $1000 dollars and do 10 projects around my house with it. That leaves me with the challenge of finding 10 needed home projects that I can do for $100 or less. In today's economy, that can be a challenge, because one only has to make a trip to Lowe's or Home Depot to see how fast the bill mounts up.
Now I don't really know if I can accomplish all 10 of these projects this year or not, but I am excited to see if I can bring each one in under budget while accomplishing projects I've been wanting to do for some time.
The first of these projects I showed you about a month ago in it's beginning stages - stripping the paint off of the hallway doors, repainting and applying new door and floor trim.
This project is nearly finished and I will be sharing it in a few days.
Some of the other projects I'm considering are:
- removing carpet from stairs, stripping paint from side wood, sand & stain stair treads, paint kick boards.
- remake front porch steps and paint.
- apply lattice to sides of front porch.
- replace soil and shrubs in front of house.
- reupholster wing back chair with painter's cloth.
- install bead board ceiling in laundry room.
- finish cedar shingle siding in greenhouse.
- paint side of house.
- build, paint, and attach lattice arbors to side of house.
- paint garden shed and greenhouse.
- finish inside of garden shed.
- apply hoops and netting over raised garden beds to keep chickens out.
It's not very realistic to think I can really get all this done since there are several other projects that need to be done that will require more time and money. But making a list and setting a budget is a place to start and keeps me focused and on track. I love crossing things off my list, and it's even more fun to be able to share them you when they are finished. So . . . in a few days I'll be back with pictures of the finished doors.
How are you planning to spend your income tax return?