Friday, January 3, 2014


I have always been fascinated by photos of frost and its delicate beauty.  
I say "photos of frost" because I have rarely seen it myself ~ until this year.  
We seem to be having an extremely cold winter for mid Ohio and as the temp drops below zero, the windows in the chicken coop are exquisitely painted with it.

Most of the frost is accumulating on the French door of the green house 
and looks beautiful from both inside and out.

I suppose the frost has something to do with moisture from the chickens 
who are struggling to stay warm in these subzero temps.

"This is the scenery that feeds the soul and 
gives life to the senses."

This beautiful display is on a window with only a single pane of glass left and is a view
 from the greenhouse looking out towards the chicken run. 
 It truly does look like a fern ~ nature's beauty in its purest form.

"Stop and take a photograph."
Quotes from The Arvon Blog

Linking with The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays 


  1. Lovely images.. It could be ferns or lace, very pretty. Happy Weekend!

  2. Quite beautiful! I love frost and spider webs for photographing.

  3. Gosh it is just stunning Cindy! And yes!!! It looks like the most amazing fern I have ever seen!!! When I was a child I remember sitting in class and staring at the frost in the windows of our old school. It fascinated me then and I really appreciate your post because it has reminded me to slow down and look again...such beauty! And yes...It will be negative 11 on Monday with wind chills of negative 55...I think they are shutting down the schools as well! You stay warm friend...the winds are howling here...Nicole xoxo

  4. Hi Cindy,
    What beautiful photos! Jack Frost at his artistic best painting your windows with his frosty brush!
    Thank you for sharing. I'm reminded of my childhood in upstate NY.
    Happy New Year!

  5. Such pretty pictures. Love your banner as well. Stay warm and cozy.

  6. I love frost on the window but thankfully, we don't see it all that often any more (I did as a child, however) -- your pictures are beautiful!

  7. Simply beautiful,mother nature is such a talented artist and you have captured it for all of us to see.
    Happy New Year!

  8. So pretty, thank you for sharing these photos. I hope your chickens make it through the tough winter temperatures, poor things.

    I'd like to invite you to a new link party, called Happy Tuesday. We're sharing anything that makes us happy - we want to spread good vibes and positivity throughout blogland. You can find out more info at the link below. I hope you'll come and join us!


  9. Completely amazing and delightful. You have captured this moment beautifully.

  10. Spectacular shots of the frosty panes, they do indeed look like a frosty fern.
    Stay warm !

  11. Gorgeous shots! Sends a shiver.

    Great to have you celebrating the New Year at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  12. I'm glad you shared these. The images are exquisite! So cold, but so beautiful! Stay cozy!

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  14. Gorgeous, Cindy! We had a lot of fern frost around here too... I just did not get out my camera to capture it. Thanks so much for your very nice comment today. Blogger's just "get" what others admire and like. So nice to have people in my life that "get it"! xo

  15. When I was a child I was fascinated by the frost that would be on most of the windows of our old house. My sister and I would make out little pictures in the pattern. It was a race to see who could get to the windows first thing in the mornings to see what Jack Frost had painted what we thought was just for us.
    Your lovely photos have conjured up some precious memories for me today Cindy. Thank you.

  16. I am over from Jacqueline's blog. These are beautiful photos.

  17. Jan. 19, 2014

    I love photos of frost, of all kinds. Yours are lovely.



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