Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas on the Porch

Back at the beginning of November, I wrote a post about hating to put away my porch decor and it looked like this next photo.  It's hard to believe that just 6 weeks ago, things were still that green.
To be honest, I didn't put away the pitcher of flowers until just last week.  They sat 
there through several snow storms before I had the heart to bring them in.  
But it looked so bleak out there it made me sad.  
Then I got the bright idea of putting a live green wreath 
on the table with a vase of ornaments.
How that simple decoration brightened up the whole porch.
With the white porch and snow for a back drop, the red and white ornaments brought the perfect pop of color to the room.
 I didn't add anything else to the simpleness of my porch decor because I thought it made a statement all by itself.  Pretty pillows and throws would have been beautiful, but my porch is screened and it gets pretty dirty and wet out there.  "Simple" and "using what I have" are what I'm striving for this year and I have found that look to be the perfect solution to unnecessary overspending.
Now every time I head out the back door with the dog to feed the chickens, 
I smile at the Christmas cheer on the porch.
Speaking of chickens, the girls are doing well with the cold weather and snow.  Being new at keeping chickens, I tend to worry about everything and could they handle the extremely cold weather we're having this winter.
 This is Maggie Mae.  She's the newest addition to the flock and she has lots of "fluff" to keep her warm.

 This is Wendy.  She's the smart one of the group and my only egg layer.  But with the shortened hours of daylight, she has stopped laying for the winter.

This is Sally who wouldn't pose for a picture.  I call her Sinister Sally because she is always sneaking around like a detective and stalking everyone who comes into the yard.  
And last, but not least is my Lucy Lu.  Lucy was very sick this summer and it took a month on four medications to get her back to health.  She's my sweetie and I probably worry most about her.
I pamper my girls and on the really cold days, they get oatmeal or scrambled eggs in the morning.  Their coop was made from part of my greenhouse, and for the winter when they are stuck inside, I opened up the greenhouse to them so they'll have more room to roam.  They like the extra light and warmth of the greenhouse and they seem as happy as cooped up chickens can be in the winter.
Yeah, they are spoiled, but happy and healthy chickens make for a happy me.


  1. I love your simple colourful porch now, Cindy!

    Your "girls" are so unique and beautiful. I never saw anything like them.

    So they eat EGGS? That's kinda like cannibalism isn't it? Ick, haha.

    Maggie May was the name of my sister's dog. Neat name and spelling of Mae.

    Anyway, happy weekend. Stay warm. I was running out to give a package to my mailcarrier today and slipped backwards and cracked my head on the cement step. We were getting ready to go to The Nutcracker, I was so bummed I couldn't go - serious headache and concerns, no blood or stiches - and my daughter and her hubs got to go instead. Which is nice for a young couple to do cool things that are normally out of their price range.

    Anyway, hugs to you.

  2. Cindy, I had to play catch up with all your wonderful posts- haven't been over here since THanksgiving. I love the porch with it's cheery red christmas decor! Sounds like you are getting some more snow tonight? I was getting ready to call you it I am thinking it is 9 there as it is 6 here so I will have to wait another day. Thought of you alot today as I finally changed out the bedding to use the pretty velour shams- I still do so love all the prettiness you brought to my room!!!

    THink of you often- will catch up one of these days with you!

    bee blessed

  3. That simple wreath with colored ornaments adds the perfect something to your table! It is stunning against the backdrop of snow!!! Pretty and practical using what you had to add a pop of color to your space! And your girls are awesome!!!!!! Just seeing there little faces and glorious hair-dos put a smile on my face! What a good mom you are to them! I just got the biggest kick out of seeing them!!! And my daughter's middle name is Mae!!! Wishing you a very merry weekend friend! Nicole xoxo

  4. I love the simplicity and pop of color of the ornament centerpiece! It does look so cheerful against the backdrop of the evergreens and snow. And what cute and darling chickens! (Oh, I know - chickens are supposed to be "cute", but dang it! They are!)

  5. So much to comment on, Cindy! I love the first photo of your porch with so much green outside and lovely green cushions! Your winter solution is beautiful - just the perfect amount of color! You've inspired me to do something like that on my own little porch!
    And your chickens are simply beautiful! I never knew chickens could look like your girls - very pretty!!
    I always love visiting your lovely blog!!


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