Friday, April 19, 2013

While Away

I feel like I've been away from blogging for so long now, or at least very sporadically.  My yard, gardens, and chicken coop conversion have been keeping me 
very busy and very tired.
Here is a little progress on the first of the raised vegetable beds.
This garden is under netting because the squirrels keep digging things up.  The bed is 4 by 10 feet and is divided into square feet because I'm trying the "square foot gardening" method.  
Everything in this garden I planted from seed and it includes peas, three kinds of onions, radishes, five kinds of lettuce, swiss chard, nastursiums, cilantro, carrots, red beets, spinach, and kale.  These are all early cold weather plants which enjoy the cooler temps.
I feel like these seedlings are my little babies and I check on them several times a day.  It always amazes me how much they grow ~ especially after a rain.
The raised bed next to this one I have just planted with two kinds of cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and two kinds of parsley, with 13 squares left for several more types of vegetables.
In between the four raised beds, I placed a 3-tiered iron planter that I'm using to grow strawberries. 
  They have a ways to go before we'll be getting any berries, but it is fun to watch them grow since they came bare root and no leaves.
A few flowers blooming around the back yard add some much enjoyed color.
Our new chicks are coming on Tuesday, and although they'll have to live in the house for a month or longer, I've had to divert my attention from the gardens to the work of converting part of the green house into a chicken coop. That will keep me busier than the gardens, so I may not be around blogland much but will certainly share pictures of the chicks and visit you all as often as I can.


  1. Your time is being very well spent, Cindy.

    Congrats on all your "farming!"

    Don't forget we have compost should you need some!

  2. Your garden is so beautiful and wonderful all at once!!! Wow! Just awesome!!! I think the netting is brilliant!!! Those squirrels are such stinkers!!! You are a busy busy lady....I can't wait to see pictures of your chicks! All the best in the weeks have accomplished so much already and your veggies look so yummy!

  3. You have been busy and it shows in the way everything is developing in the raised beds. It looks very systematic and tidy and I like the idea of the netting to deter the squirrels. (We have problems with pigeons in our allotment). I like your pretty strawberry planter. too. All the best with the arrangement for housing the chicks in the next week or two.

  4. Your garden is looking amazing. I love it. Hugs, Marty

  5. I'm so impressed with your tidy garden! So beautiful, and so much work! I had to smile when you said "after the rain". We have to water so diligently here. I know you will enjoy watching it all come along.

  6. Wow Cindy, you are really a neat Gardner. I just eyeball my plants and put them in the ground. It looks like you are really enjoying this project. My neighbors just got chicks some weeks ago and the coop is built now. They painted it bright yellow and I have to say it really looks cute! Hope all your plants survive this extra cold weather we are going to get. ~ hugs, Patti


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