Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday's Weather

Everyone has things they look forward to with the changing of each season.  One of my favorite things is being able to hear the birds singing in the morning.
 images via:
Mr. McGregors
The Dame International 

Never mind that it's only around 30 degrees outside, on the days I work from home, I crack the window just an inch, and listen to them greet the morning light.  
 images via:
A Cottage in the Woods
A Quieter Storm 
Vintage Rose Brocante 

The mornings may still be chilly, but they don't seem to mind.  
They always sound so happy.
images via:
My Secret Garden 
Rosa Luna 
Buttercup Meadow 
I love it when multiple species are singing at the same time and they sound like a heavenly chorus, willing spring to come. 
images via:
Yard & Garden 
Air Kissed 
I know people who complain about the birds waking them up, but as for me ~ I never tire of birdsong ~ no matter what time of day they sing their lullaby's. 
Linking with
A Southern Daydreamer  for Outdoor Wednesday


  1. I love to lie in bed and hear the birds in the morning. Once in a while some crows will get into it because of something exciting going on in their lives and it can get a little noisy. I sure enjoyed this past weekend...wasn't that such a tease of what is to come? ~Hugs, Patti

  2. You are so right! Birdsong is always welcomed here! Beautiful photos!

  3. I heard birds singing yesterday morning for the first time this winter. Peace doves on in the yard. Two robins perched on the maple tree. A woody woodpecker found a simi dead tree. Nature may be noisy but such a pleasant sound. Makes me feel alive!
    JM Illinois

  4. bird chirping go's on outside
    my windows all day and most
    of the night.... lovely post.
    Thank you for your visit to
    my blog and for leaving such
    sweet comments.

  5. There is nothing like birdsong. I even like the sound of the crows.

  6. Birdsong to greet you in the morning is heavenly. Praise Him!


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