Tuesday, March 5, 2013

So Grateful for So Much

As another winter storm blows in ~ so many beauties to delight the eye 
and lift our spirits . . . 
image credits:
So many blessings we enjoy ~ and bright warmer days are not far away . . .
image credits:

As we're warm and toasty inside our cozy homes ~ so many
 simple pleasures we are given . . .
image credits:
24 Homes 
A Rosy Note 
Maui Musee 
So grateful for so much . . . 
image credits:
Sarah Cass 
A Kindred Spirit 
Linking with
The Dedicated House for Make it Pretty Monday


  1. Beautiful images from such lovely blogging people. Thank you for post and the links!

  2. Such beautiful inspiration photos! I feel all happy and spring-i-fied looked at them.

    And you are so right that all we need to do is look around, and we realize just how blessed we are.

  3. Beautiful posts and photos. Thank you!

  4. I love all of the bright cheery spring and summer colors! Sure feels good to see them in this snow-covered day! Thanks for the boost!

  5. You've treated us with some pretty Spring colors. I'm ready to decorate for Spring now!

  6. Such a warm and colorful atmosphere! I love these images. Thank you very much for your kind comment on my blog; no words or compliment could please me more. Enjoy the changing seasons!

  7. WOW-WOW-WOW! I love these collages of gorgeous-ness Cindy. After a long day, this is respite to my beauty-seeking soul!
    many hugs from me...

  8. Such pretty photos! Love all the color and happiness they show! I especially love those floral pillow cases with the crocheted edging. I guess we will find out how much snow will have fallen when we wake up in the morning. No problem...it will be gone in a few days and this weekend will be a real glimpse of Spring!~Hugs, Patti

  9. Your picture collages are a fresh breath of spring, and I appreciate your reminders of how blessed we truly are.
    Blessings to you!

    Laura from sundayview.blogspot.com

  10. The snowbanks are over six feet high in my street but as I love winter, it does not bother me. I don't even mind if we get more snow. Your collages are so inspiring, especially that beautiful pink wallpaper. I wish I could get a miniature version for my dollhouse.

  11. I am so long overdue here, but I love these images together! You have done such a wonderful job. Each collage just gives me a wonderful lift.


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