Saturday, February 16, 2013

Scripture Sunday ~ Pleasant Words

images via Flickr and We Heart It
Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to
the soul, and health to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24
image via Pinterest
images via Inaho Tumblr and The Little Chickadee Etsy
Linking with
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays

Source unknown


  1. Pleasant words are energizing and uplifting. They give us wings. They make us feel happy, content, joyful. It's so wonderful to be with pleasant people!

  2. I love the pleasant words and the bees! Such good things to spread to others!!!!

  3. Oh Cindy love your bee pictures though they remind me of my loss . We went out to the land yesterday and my hives there did not survive the winter. I am going to look at the hive here today- they were out a week ago but it has been very quiet- wondering if this is another project that has run it's course. I will so miss those girls though. Seems as if the Lord is sifting things, priorities for me maybe.

    bee blessed

  4. Love the verse and all the images! One day I hope to have some bees...

    Have a blessed Sunday!


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