Sunday, January 20, 2013

Scripture Sunday ~ Seasonal Beauty

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven . . .    Ecclesiastes 3:1
 images via ZsaZsaBellagio, Wistfully Country, Stellarsky
Finding beauty and meaning in every season of life is something I am striving to learn and allow God to work into my life.  
images via Cowparsley, favim, Crumpled Envelope
Thanking God for His patience and the many seasons 
He has given me to learn.  


  1. I love your photos! I also thank the Lord every day for his patience with me. Have a wonderful day!

  2. These wintry photos are amazing. The horses are just beautiful!

  3. Beautiful snow images! I love the squirrels peaking out of the birdhouse.

  4. Love the colleges Cindy! That picture of the Irish Setter dog reminded me of my sweet little Ginger that I had when I was growing up. They are the sweetest tempered dogs though they have a tendency , at least mine did, of tinkling when excited!

    bee blessed


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