Thursday, January 24, 2013

Friday Pretties

Vintage linens are a favorite of mine.  I find them so hard to resist.  I think it's because they are reminders of a gentler time ~ a time when we as women were allowed to look and act like ladies.
When it was fashionable to be "feminine" instead of "sexy".
 I find their sweetness to be most refreshing.
Linking with
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday 



  1. Such a beautiful blue! You show some lovely samples here. I find them as cheery as flowers!

  2. Beautiful post, Cindy - and I heartily agree with you on the feminine aspect of things.

    Unfortunately it was the price we paid for equality - guess one must be careful for what one wishes....because we can't have strongly defined gender roles and equality both. One had to give.

    Guess we're all still struggling to learn what was the cost....but I believe it was truly dear a payment.

    Anyway, your post was so pretty, wow!

  3. I love vintage linens, the feel of them against my skin, the wonder as I hold them up as to who they belonged to and what was their life like. It's easy for me to get carried away...

  4. I grew up with beautiful crocheted linens and doilies that Mama had created. These are so pretty!


  5. Very pretty things and such sweet colors. I do sometimes wish my days consisted of more of the "feminine pursuits." Have a good week. Bess

  6. Very beautiful! I love old linens and lace too. Thanks for sharing. Patti@OldThingsNew


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