Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Shore Birds

I just returned from a quick trip to Myrtle Beach, SC and thought I'd share a couple photos from the trip.  Unfortunately most of them did not come out as nice as I'd hoped, but these few have become quite special.
South Carolina is probably my most favorite place, and if I could, I would move there in a hot second.  As it is, the quick trip last week will have to suffice, and soothed and restored my soul.
These sweet little birds blessed me immensely.  There weren't many around, but the few I saw were dashing and darting everywhere as if life was meant to be lived in a hurry.

Sweetness and simpleness are all we need to succeed in life.

Then there were these three shore birds who captured my attention from our 11th floor balcony.  I only know these three ladies through my camera lens, but the one in the middle reminded me of my Aunt Esther and I imagined them as my Mom and her two sisters.

Life should always be a stroll on the beach ~ or at 
least the remembrance of it.
Linking with
A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday



  1. Great captures. I liked the title.

  2. Wonderful!
    Love the colorful towel wrap-arounds!
    Have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  3. Love the sweet birds Cindy and the photos of the 3 ladies getting ready for a swim-so fun. I thought that this is the what I want to look like years from now as my 2 sisters and I have our little sis times! (I think they are sisters!)

    So glad you enjoyed your time. Did I tell you I will be going to Florida next month - will have most of time to myself as hubby has hospice conference. Hope to be brave and do some things by myself.

    bee blessed

  4. I was there at Easter and it was beautiful. I think spending time by the ocean is the best stress reliever for me. I could really use that right now but don't see it in my near future. Glad you had a nice little getaway!~Hugs, Patti

  5. The sound of the ocean can calm me quickly. I hope it does the same for you.
    Joyce M

  6. I have never been near the ocean but I can imagine how restorative it must be. Glad you were able to take a little holiday and have a little rest! Sometimes, it doesn't take much to do the trick!

  7. I love to watch the shore birds when we're at the beach, and the "shore birds" with beach towels is a fun photo. Loved it.

  8. These are delightful pictures! Beautiful too. South Carolina is on my list of places to visit in the US. I'm sure it's beautiful. Maybe I'll buy a bathing suit again! And a big towel! :0)

  9. Oh I think your pictures turned out beautiful. They look just diamond crystal clear on the beach. I love watching these little guys. I must thank you for your visits and kind thoughts.
    Enjoy your weekend! Kelley
    I'm watching TV and they are talking about the hurricane, I hope it doesn't hit the Carolinas too hard.


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