Sunday, December 18, 2011

Flea Market Find

Scott's Antique Market was in town this weekend and I bought myself an early Christmas present ~ a pair of corbels.  I have always wanted a pair of corbels, but they are always so big and so pricey.  This time I found a pair that were small enough to use in my house and within my price range.

I was playing around with them today, trying to find a place where they would look best.  I had just finished waxing the bottom section of my hutch and tried them out there with a small tree in the center.

I really liked the simpleness of them here, but there is a top part to this hutch, so this is not where they will end up.

The tree was a Goodwill find last year and I added a few sparkly items to glitz it up a little.

It all makes such a simple statement, which I find I like more and more the older I get.

Linking with
The House in the Roses for Show Off Your Cottage Monday
Dittle Dattle for Amaze Me Monday
Little Red House for Mosaic Monday
Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday
Ivy and Elephants for What's It Wednesday
Tutus and Tea Parties for A Pinteresting Party


  1. What a pretty find - just goes to show that one shouldn't settle for 'almost right' as 'just right' is waiting out there somewhere.

  2. Great find. Your corbels are perfect in that spot. Love the little tree too.

  3. We have a collection of them. I think we were lucky and started collecting them before they got popular and also was in the right places at the right times. I adore them and think yours are very nice and interesting. They will move all over your house, just wait and see.

  4. I love the corbels Cindy!! It is so hard to find architectural pieces like that around here for some reason.

    Your tree is so sweet- It could stay out all year!

    Trying to get breads baked then I think I'm done!

    bee blessed

  5. Awesome corbels!! They're on my wish list too. I love how you displayed them.

  6. Very cute. Love the arrangement even if it is temporary.

  7. My husband is always looking for corbels for under our counter island. Lucky you to have found some for the right price and size! We have family in for the holidays so didn't make it to Scotts. Maybe next month. Have a wonderful holiday Cindy!~Hugs, Patti

  8. What a find!! So lovely:) Thanks,Deidre!

  9. Your corbels were a great find. I love them on the hutch even if that's not where they will stay. I love the little tree in the urn too.
    Warm Christmas wishes to you.

  10. What a great find! Those are worth your wait!

    I am finding too, that I am liking everything to be more simple and minimal.

  11. Exquisite find & presentation! Love it.
    Merry Christmas
    TTFN ~

  12. it might not be their permanent home but they look good there!
    Have a good Christmas and I look forward to following you in 2012.

  13. Great corbels....I'm always on the hunt for them myself!

  14. The corbels look just right there on that table. Merry Christmas. V

  15. I had never even known what they were called...corbels...a new word and they look really beautiful on the hutch and the tree is a great find too. merry Christmas Blessings~

  16. The corbels were a nice find!

    Have a lovely Christmas.


  17. The corbels are perfect. Wow what an awesome fine. I would love it if you could link this wonderful post to our What's It Wednesday linky party. Hope you can join us.


  18. I am so jealous! Please share this at our party going on now Happy holiday! My

  19. You mentioned that they won't be staying there, but they do look lovely in that spot.

  20. Don't they look beautiful! They fit your piece of furniture perfectly! - like they've always been there :) Merry Christmas!

  21. What a great find! I would love to find some to suit the scale of my wee little house!


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