Thursday, May 5, 2011

Open House Darks

First of all, I wanted to say a big thank you to Robin at
All Things Heart and Home for featuring my desk makeover at
All Things Inspired last week.  Here is a picture of it at the
Open House.

Here are some cute stools my sister recovered along with a set
of framed key plates.  When you don't have walls for display purposes, 
you just have to make do with where you hang things.

Another of her pretty knit throws.

Here is the end table that you've seen before.  It found a home
next door at my neighbor's house, so I can visit it any time I
start to miss it.

Some sweet words my sister made out of twigs.

These two pieces aren't exactly dark, but I forgot to include them in
with the greens.  They found a home with a lady I work with.

That's all for my open house, but tomorrow I'm heading over to
the French Hen Farm barn sale.  If you're an Ohio blogger, it
is more than worth the trip to Marysville to see all of Karen's pretty things.
I'll be showing you lots of pictures ~ if I don't go off in a hurry and forget
my camera.
Linking with
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
I Love Pretty Little Things for Friday Pretties
Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
At the Picket Fence  for Inspiration Friday
A Little Knick Knack for Everything But the Kitchen Sink 


  1. so many pretty things. Glad some found loving homes! Too far from Ohio to get there, or I would!

  2. Wish I could tag along with ya! Beautiful things here. Love the words she made.

  3. Over from French Country Cottage.. just love all the items, but adore the green dresser.

  4. Wish I could make it over there! I have heard great things! Enjoy.

  5. Wow! I had to scroll down to see your other open house posts and you gals are just so incredibly talented! I'm super impressed by all of the gorgeousness and how you grouped things together by color. Just fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Inspiration Friday! :-)

  6. Such pretty pieces you show here! Love the twig letters especially - a great idea! Have a lovely weekend!

  7. Hi, I just stopped by to tell you that I featured your aqua open house display this week on "My Top Ten Fav Picks". The rest of you other open house displays look incredible too! I hope you can share it next week on Masterpiece Monday at Boogieboard Cottage. I hope you have a nice weekend, Mary :O)

  8. oh those stick twig words are wonderful ...great idea!

  9. That desk is absolutely fabulous! And the twig words...I think I may have to try making some...they're so pretty!!
    Hope your weekend is going well!
    Thank you for sharing the loveliness!!

  10. Be sure I could be a great customr at your open barn´s if I live near you!!! Love your sister´s twig words!!!

  11. sorry, hard to think in english, I ment open house, is it correct?? well, when you sell all your beauties and treasures...


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