Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring Beauties

Spring seems very slow coming to Ohio this year, or maybe
I'm just being impatient.  Even the forsythia seem to be  reluctant
to show their color.  It has been cold this week with temps only in
the 30's and 40's and a touch of snow every now and then, but
these little beauties were brave enough to show their sweet faces.

I planted these bulbs years ago and every year I find some in new
places.  I don't think it's because they are propagating, but because the
squirrels are digging them up and moving them.  Now, I've never
really caught them in the act, but I know I didn't plant them in the grass.

And I know I didn't plant them with the roses either.

I used to dig them up and move them back to the flower beds, but
I gave up on that some time ago.  I have chosen simply to
enjoy these sweet things where ever I find them.

Maybe this is where the expression "bloom where you are planted"
comes from.

Linking with 
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays
Smiling Sally for Blue Monday


  1. Beautiful!!! The only thing blooming around here are daffodils and it is suppose to snow tonight so I am afraid they are going to be short lived. ~~Sherry~~

  2. Your bulbs are so lovely. I love blue in the yard.. note to self find some! I have day lilies that bloom everywhere - especially where they haven't been planted. Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. Hopefully they won't end up taking over your whole yard! They sure are pretty though. Definitely no flowers here yet. It's way to cold!

  4. What a beautiful sign of Spring! :)

  5. Lovely! The squirrels can really be a challenge:@)

  6. That was so well said Cindy! Nice post! You are not being impatient....this winter has gone on way too long! I hate to complain and I am happy that the sun is shining today...just wish it would warm up and stay that way! Have a beautiful Sunday!~Hugs, Patti

  7. How pretty these are and such a fun surprise, especially when they pop up in unexpected places. Happy spring!

  8. love this post .. bloom where you are planted for sure! i knew squirrels were pesky little critters, but i didn't realize they were gardeners!

  9. I agree, Spring does seem slow this year. Bloom where you are planted does seem to be the right adage.

    It's wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  10. It's like a special surprise each spring. What fun!

  11. Renewed life in the spring makes everyone feel good. It gives us hope of better times ahead.

  12. What a beautiful sign of spring.....we still have a bit of snow on the ground.
    Happy Blue Monday!

  13. When the bloom is this delicate, it seems even more beautiful--especially in blue. Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday.

  14. What beauties and l love the makeovers in today's post, now I need to find some old ones to renovate.

  15. That is pretty cool! I am here in MI and same as you we have snow and I haven't seen any blossom yet. This blue flower is brave enough to get out and let the world see it's beauty! ^_^
    Blue Jeans


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