Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Garden Party

As I've been sitting here editing my pictures, 
Ricky Nelson's song "I'm Going to a Garden Party"
keeps going through my mind, and I realized how excited
I am to be posting about something other than winter.
Now none of these pictures are from my own garden because
I wasn't blogging last summer.  But Sarah said
I could share with you the pictures I did take one afternoon at the
Park of Roses, which is about five miles from my home.

 I took about 30 photos that day, and settled on just
six that I though were the best ~  but I think you'll see
why it is called the "Park of Roses".

Unfortunately, I did not get names for any of these roses
because I had my grandpuppy with me and it was all
I could do to hang on to him and get any decent shots.

I think pink roses in any form have always been my favorites, 
followed closely only by yellow roses, of which
I have no pictures.  They must have already gone over or
I'm sure I would not have left them out.

 I most prefer the old fashioned English roses, shrub 
roses, and climbing roses ~  and in my yard I like 
to underplant them with catmint and allow clematis to
grow up through them.

And another favorite of mine ~ the oak leaf hydrangea. 

Sometimes in the summer we don't notice all the beauty all around us
and we take for granted all God's goodness in our lives.
I think it takes the winter and the winter experiences of our lives for
us to fully see God's grace, goodness and gifts to us.
Open my eyes Lord to see all your blessings, even the ones that
winter brings.
Please join me over at Sarah's 
Modern Country Style for her English Garden Party
Lily-Rose Cottage for A Little Bit of Lace


  1. Your rose photos are lovely!! Doesn't looking at these make you want summer to get here tomorrow?

    Here's my tip for keeping the name of the roses with your photos. After you finish taking the photos of a rose bush, take a photo of the tag, then move on to the next rose and its tag. This way, every photo before the tag is of that particular rose. This is the only way I can keep all of my photos from getting all confused.

  2. Cindy, another thing we have in common! Pink
    roses!!! I had about 40 rose bushes and almost all were shades of pink. That was one of the biggest things that I miss about that home. The other was the arbor the boys made me one year but our oldest son Jonathan came up and built me one for Mother's day last year!

    The package is on it's way- gosh I hope you can lift it! It's coming UPS as it was MUCH cheaper.

    Thanks for sharing about Modern Country's party! I decided to whip up a post and join in! Sure made me feel better knowing that this snow will melt eventually and Spring will come!

    bee blessed

  3. Wow, what a stunning garden. No wonder you took so many photos! I am glad you posted this as I have now linked up to the party too!

    Best wishes always,

  4. Such pretty photos - love all roses...I can't wait to see pics of your garden too! xoxo

  5. Cindy, I'm so glad you visited my blog so I could find you too. Be still my heart...roses and hydrangeas and iris are my very favorites. All are so romantic and beautiful. And I agree, there is just something so special about pink roses. Lovely, lovely pictures.

  6. I'm SO glad you decided to link up. These photos are so beautiful. Aren't the colours incredible?

    It makes me feel all summery - despite the drizzle today!


  7. These are quite beautiful! Would love to stroll through that garden,

  8. These are beautiful photos!! I'd love to visit that "Park of Roses". What a perfect name. Thanks so much for sharing, and for your kind words on my blog :-)
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. These are sooooooooo beautiful. It makes me wish summer was coming sooner. *grin* We have snow everywhere so to have a peek at summer is a breath of fresh air.

    Thank you for sharing.

  10. Hello Cindy,
    Thank you so much for joining A Little Bit of Lace today.
    Roses are my favourite flower and these beauties are just stunning!!
    What a blessing to have such a beautiful park to visit.
    I so agree that we need to see with 'eyes wide open', to fully appreciate and not overlook God's beautiful and timely graces in our lives!


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