Sunday, January 16, 2011

With Humble Thanks

I woke up this morning to an award and a feature ~ so
much better than waking up to more snow, don't you think?
  What an honor and I don't know what to say
except "Wow!" and "Thank you!" and I
am truly humbled by your gracious kindness.
First of all I want to say "Thank you" to Mary at
Boogieboard Cottage for featuring me at last weeks
Masterpiece Monday.

I love all things beachy as you can tell by my office decor,

and I absolutely never tire of looking at anything
with a water, beach or nautical theme.
Next up is a big "thank you" to
Lisa at Sall's Country Life
for awarding me the "Stylish Blogger Award".

What an honor for which I am truly humbled.  Style isn't exactly

my middle name, but something I continually strive for.
Be sure to visit Lisa and see her stylish country life and blog.
Be sure to check out her photos and the beautiful work
she does with Photoshop.
And now it's my turn to pass on this award and this is how it works: 

1.  Thank and link back to the person/persons who awarded you.   Thanks Lisa!
2. Tell seven things about yourself.
3.  Award fifteen recently discovered bloggers with the award.
4.  Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award.

So here goes ~ seven things about myself you never knew before:
1.  I love gardening with a passion and spend most of my
free time outdoors tending to my beloved gardens.
2.  My daughter, Katie, is my best friend and it's been just
her and I since she was 6 months old.  Although she lives
in town on campus, she has accepted a summer internship
at a Marriott Hotel in Hilton Head, SC and I will soon be an
empty nester.  Not sure how I'm going to handle that.
3.  I am from a large family of eight children, with two
boys and six girls.  Thank goodness I will have my 
sisters and parents here to help me deal with my
empty nest issues.
4.  I was raised in a Christian home, where God and faith
are always first.  I am a Christian work in progress with
the emphasis on "in progress".  Thank God for his
abundant grace which never ends.
5.  Ever since living in Maryland 21 years ago,  I've
always wanted to live near the water again ~
hopefully when I retired.  I just may get that chance
if my daughter stays at Hilton Head.
6.  I've always wanted to be a "Southerner".  I may have
been born and raised in the North, but I surely don't
want to die here :)
7.  Many years ago, I had a story published about a
chickadee that would eat out of my hand in
Focus on The Family's magazine "Single Parent Family".

Next up ~ 15 stylish recently discovered blogs:

Maggie at Normandy Life
Shirley at Shirley's World
Laurie at Heaven's Walk
Sarah at Cozy.Cottage.Cute.  
Summerland Cottage Studio 
Dining Delight 
Susan at Ash Tree Cottage
Holly at 2911 Jeremiah Avenue 
Four All Seasons 
d Reyne's 
Sharon at Elizabeth & Co. 
Linda at French Hen Farm 
Connie at Hartwood Roses 
Rebecca at A RE-purposed Life 
Sharon at The Sweetest of Days 
And last, but not least, I wanted to thank Brenda Kula
at Cozy Little House for featuring me
several months ago on "Welcome Wagon".
I thanked her personally, but being a new blogger and not
fully aware of blogger etiquette, I never thanked her
publicly.  So thanks again Brenda for your kindness and the
warm welcome you show to all of us new bloggers.


  1. You deserved it an you are so welcome! Mary :O)

  2. Cindy~
    You made my day!! I am so humbled and honored to receive this award from you!
    Thank you and may God abudantly bless you!

  3. Hi Cindy,
    Thank you for giving me this award and I really appreciate your kindness. I so enjoyed reading your list especially the part about your daughter moving to HHI. Lucky girl.
    We adore HH, we would move there tomorrow if we could, and I blog about our visits to Marriott SurfWatch & Grande Ocean resorts every time we go.

  4. Oh, Cindy ~ thank you so much for this award, sweetie! You humble me. I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness! ♥ It was fun reading about you and getting to know you better. Sounds like you'll have some great opportunities to visit your beloved HH, SC. That will be so nice for you, and will give you a chance to check out a nice little retirement beach house. :) Thanks again, Cindy! I will try my hardest to post about it!

    xoxo laurie


I appreciate everyone who visits my blog and I love reading your comments.