Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Surprises

Inspired by all my Southern friends who seem so
enthralled with their snow, I decided to take a stroll around the
yard to capture some of the winter beauty that I, as a 
Northerner, have simply not noticed.  Rather than just endure 
winter and wish it away, I'm trying to embrace its beauty in all 
its splendor.  Here are a few pics to share from our storm today.
First are my urns that set on each side of my garage
still displaying their Christmas greenery.

The pyracantha bush is still sporting its orange fall berries.

Grape vines fallen in the snow.

Evergreen boughs bending low.

My neighbor's new garden shed.

Rose hips ~  so pretty in red.

I was over at Kim Klassen's Cafe today enjoying her post 

"Finding Fabulousness in the Simplest Places" where
you can view her winter photos and a video tutorial
on how to apply textures to your pictures in Photoshop.
She was the inspiration for my post today and my
most pleasant surprise of not only seeing winter's splendor
with new eyes, but also learning new techniques
in processing my photos ~ a double blessing.
Now it's time to get back to reality, get out the
snow blower, and deal with all the snow in the driveway.
Be sure to check out my "Thank You Giveaway" HERE 
Linking with

A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday
Faded Charm for White Wednesday 
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays


  1. I'm smiling, because you probably get to see snow each Winter and lots of it, and 'we' Southerners are not guaranteed it's magical delight :)
    Love your pictures around the garden, and you do indeed have lots of it.
    Right now it's snowing once again here....;D

  2. Great pictures,Have a good evening.

  3. Very pretty Cindy! I enjoyed your wintery outdoor photos. I am joining you from Outdoor Wednesday too! Hope you are staying warm and cozy!

  4. Your pictures are lovely, I love the rose hip picture.
    We got a little snow today also
    So pretty

  5. Oh such beautiful pictures. Snow can be very beautiful but come April, I'm so tired of it. Up in the mountains where I lived for 15 years, we had snow until June.

    come visit

  6. What lovely, lovely photographs of the snow. I never get tired of seeing the snow. We are expecting a Blizzard tonight. Your photographs are so lovely.

  7. Oh the pictures are just beautiful. I think the snow is so pretty but I am so ready for warmer weather.New to your blog. Really like it.

  8. Beautiful photos!

  9. Your yard is lovely! The snow certainly adds something to the garden, doesn't it? Everything seems softened for the moment.

  10. love, LOVE! these pictures speak to me. i am glad you could find the beauty out there. snowfest continues here.....

  11. I cannot even begin to imagine all these snow falling on all these lovely posts. Yours are postcard perfect! We don't get any here in socal.

    Stopping by and saying hello from a fellow White Wednesday participant. Please stop by and join my giveaway when you get a chance.

  12. Thank you Cindy, for your beautiful comment left on my blog yesterday!


  13. You captured your winter wonderland perfectly!! Us Northerners are rather lucky if you don't mind shoveling once in awhile! Stop by my blog if you get a chance ~ I'm having a giveaway!! Junkinjulie.blogspot.com

  14. Your wintery, snowy pictures are beautiful. Your urns covered in snow make such a beautiful picture. I haven't gotten out to get many snowy pictures here yet. But no need to hurry. Our snows stay for a looong time. Too long, as far as I am concerned. lol!
    sending hugs

  15. I never thought I'd get bored of snow and I never have before but this year I did. We had snow for about three weeks in England and at the end I was so bored with the wetness and dirt coming into the house.


  16. Darling Cindy, thank you for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment!
    Have a good day!

  17. Winter photos are some of my favorites...they are so tranquil and serene. I think your first pic looks like a Christmas card. Beautiful!


  18. Those are lovely photos! Each season has things we can appreciate. (Even our least favorite ones!) It certainly has been an unusual year for the South, tho. Bess

  19. Being a skier, I love the wonderful snow and lots of it though must admit, snowblowing is NOT something I enjoy. It was fun to see your snowy pics!


  20. Love how your urns look covered in snow.

    - The Tablescaper

  21. PS Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

  22. I know this made sound weird but I love winter. I love how the snow looks on top of houses and trees.



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