Friday, January 7, 2011

Knit Pillows

I saw the best idea over at Jermaine's blog  ~
French KissedHer post "Cashmere Epiphany"
describes how she made pillows out of her old
cashmere sweaters.  After reading her post, I could hardly
wait to get to Goodwill to see if I could find any usable sweaters. 
Now I didn't expect to find any cashmere sweaters at
Goodwill, but I did find several good quality sweaters that I
thought would make nice pillows. 

I picked solid color sweaters with knit patterns whose
interest comes from their textures.  I also wanted
rather neutral colors since I am planning on selling the
pillows as soon as I get my Etsy Shop set up.
I used a 12" x 16" polyester pillow form for the inside.
I also attached each side of the sweater pieces to a 12" x 16"
piece of solid fabric to keep the knit from stretching
and losing it's shape while sewing and with future use.
Here are a few pics of how they turned out.
What do you think?

I love the texture on the pillows and their softness.
Using a sweater for your fabric limits how big your pillow
can be, but I find that the 12" x 16" size is perfect
for a lumbar pillow to set on any chair in your home.
Linking with
Fingerprints on the Fridge for Feature Yourself Friday
Southern In My Heart  for Inspiration Friday
Frou Frou Decor  for Fabulous Friday Finds
Funky Junk Interiors  for Saturday Nite Special
Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
Cottage Instincts  for Make it 4 Monday
Dittle Dattle  for Amaze Me Monday
Keeping it Simple for Motivate Me Monday
C.R.A.F.T. for Making Monday Marvelous Day


  1. They look great, good luck with your Esty Store.

  2. I love the cable knit pillows. I saw some by Ralph Lauren recently with a $170 sales price! I saw Jermaines post and have plans to cut up an old cashmere sweater of mine.

  3. These pillows are some of the nicest I've seen!

  4. You never cease to amaze me. What a crafty lady! Great idea!!! I'm thinking a few of those might be my mom's sweaters ; )


    These are beautiful, Cindy. I definitely like the unique textures each sweater provides.

  6. Oh I adore how these pillows turned out-the simple textures give a lush hand to these -good luck with your etsy shop-I'm your newest follower!!

  7. Nice Cindy! I have seen these before and thought it was a great idea! Yours turned out really nice!~Hugs, Patti

  8. I love these pillows...they look so cozy.

  9. Hello, Cindy! I wanted to say thank you for visiting my blog. It is nice to meet you. Your pillows are great! They look so warm and snuggly. I love the texture as well.

  10. I have made some but not as nice as yours Happy PS. Laura

  11. Ooh, they are sweet !
    The patterns make them both cozy and welcoming.
    Great job !

  12. Great idea and your workmanship is beautiful

  13. You picked the perfect sweaters to use, the textures are gorgeous. Thanks for the tip about using a regular fabric as a facing. Hugs, Kim

  14. what a great idea! I was just getting ready to take some old sweaters to goodwill. I think I will dig them out now!!
    Happy New year!

  15. Those are adorable. I like to different textures different sweaters have. Off to look in my closet right now.

  16. I love these pillows Cindy! They all turned out beautifully. What a great idea. I have a couple of old sweaters that have sentimel value to me, but I no longer wear. This would be a wonderful way to reuse them. Thank you for the great idea.
    Your well wishes meant so much.
    hugs to you from here...

  17. What an absolutely fabulous idea! Pillow making is about as complext my sewing skills get so I could actually do this one! :-) Thank you so much for linking this up to Inspiration Friday this week and I hope to see much more of you in the future!

  18. I love your cushions! The textures are beautiful, and they look so soft and cozy - just like the sweaters they used to be :-)

  19. Love 'em! Very cute idea :) I'll have to see if I have some old sweaters laying around...

  20. I will be off to the thrift store soon now that i saw this cute tutorial!!!


    Come share this at my crafty mondays linky party!!!

    I also have a $15 giveaway going on too!

  21. You go girl! Your pillows are fabulous...I love the textures and all of the soft colors you have chosen. It also looks as if you are an excellent seamstress. Thanks for the mention and this great exchange of ideas and inspiration that goes on between all of us is what keeps me bogging.



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