Friday, December 17, 2010

Sweetest Story Ever Told

Being a very new blogger, I was amazed at what all the ladies 
in blog land did with fall and Thanksgiving this year. 
I could hardly wait to see what creative ideas and pictures
they would share for Christmas.
At first I was overwhelmed, but it wasn't long before I felt very empty.
I was at a loss to explain what I felt and didn't understand why
none of it seemed to matter.  Isn't this what I had been
waiting for?  I found myself almost angry without
knowing why.
Then I found this video and took the few minutes to watch it.
It changed everything.
Please stop over and see the sweetest Christmas
video ever produced by St. Paul's Church
in Auckland, New Zealand.  It is featured over at
Debbie's blog site Love the Decor and
I promise, you'll never see anything sweeter, purer,
or touching than this children's version of Christ's birth.

Jesus is the reason for Christmas.  We can dress up our
homes with all the glitz and glitter that Christmas offers, but 
without Him, nothing else matters.
I'm lining up with The Tablescaper 
for "Seasonal Sundays".


  1. Thank you so much for the blog shout out!!
    have a blessed day!!

  2. i am sooo glad i took the time to watch that adorable video!! thanks for telling me about it! so stinkin cute!!

  3. Hi Cindy,
    Thank you for sharing the link, I will go right over after I tell you how beautiful your table setting is in the previous post. I adore how you mixed the plate shapes! I would have never thought about doing that...but I sure will now!
    I also love the jars full of red ornaments. This is a lovely table, my friend!!!

  4. Yesterday evening our church put on an interactive nativity in which the people who came to see became visitors to the city of David trying to find shelter and hearing news of a special baby through the baker, basket maker, candle maker, inn keeper, etc. There is something so truly amazing about the story of our Saviors birth. I too will share this video on my blog sometime this week.
    Be blessed!

  5. I think we can make everything special in our homes and in our hearts! All it takes is for us to slow down, take a deep breath, and realize it.... Wishing you a happy holiday season and a blessed Christmas, Cindy. ~ Sue

  6. That video is adorable. The little kid's narrative is precious. Thanks for sharing that.

  7. The video was so lovely, cindy. Thank you.

    And you're so right. Without Jesus, my God and my King, Christmas, and life, for that matter, IS empty.

    Merry Christmas, my friend.


  8. Thanks for letting me know about this. I will go and have a look.

    I hope that your Christmas is very Merry and that you enjoy the happiness and joy of this special season.

    Blessings and best Christmas wishes,


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