Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Last Roses

I was working in my gardens last night, hurriedly
trying to get in some weeding before the cold and
rain came in.  I noticed my white roses still
blooming away, more so than any other year. 
Since the temperature was predicted to drop down during
the night, I cut them and brought them in to share
with all of you and myself.  There were a couple
pink roses in the yard, so I tucked them in the 
middle of the bouquet for a touch of color.
I arranged them in a clear glass vase with water
from my rain barrel and set them on the vanity
in my bedroom.

They look so lovely with my white furniture and mirror.

I love the way the mirror reflects the white armoir and the
pillows on my bed.

There is something very sad about knowing that they
are the last roses of the season.  I wish they could
last forever. 

I'm linking up with Faded Charm for White Wednesdays.


  1. The roses are lovely! I have the same kind of rosebushes, and they're just now beginning to fade. ::Jill

  2. Love those -- there is nothing like white roses. I hope you enjoy every moment of them. I miss mine so much. Jane F

  3. White roses are my favorite!(pink is next, natch)
    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* LORI LYNN *

  4. Beautiful!! The little quote next to your roses are perfect...takes your breath away! :)

    Have a nice evening!

    Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshie

  5. Your roses and your room and your photography are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing. The beauty of the seasons is the joy that you will find as your rose bush starts to bud out in the spring.

  6. The last roses are something special-glad you brought them inside where you could enjoy them longer!

  7. I love all of your pictures, and your roses are just gorgeous... Happy White Wednesday!!! Blessings~~~ Daphne

  8. Cindy these photos are gorgeous. The roses truly are amazing. I am so glad to see a little peek into your bedroom. Such a lovely peek too!!!
    I was so interested in reading about you keeping bees before. My mother was a bee keeper and we always had about two or three hives. I remember when someone in town would have a swarm that had attached themselves somewhere on someone's tree limb or the like, they would call my mom to come and take care of it for them. I was always in awe of her ability to do that. My brother and I are allergic to bees, but I love them and even working in the garden alongside them doesn't frighten me at all. I love bees and all the good they do for me here.
    I love your blog header, it is lovely.

  9. Your roses and your blog is very lovely. You take amazing photos too. Just gorgeous! Happy WW!

  10. Hi, Cindy,
    I can't believe you still have roses. They are really pretty. I wish I could lean over and take a good whiff. :) Your pictures are pretty, too.

  11. hi cindy...i agree the last roses are sad, but you have captured them forever in your lovely photos. thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me one of the nicest comments ever...it made my day! thank you.


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