Sunday, October 31, 2010

Midterm Mosaic

I'm linking today with Mary at
for Mosaic Monday.

My mosaic for this week is my midterm project
 for my Photoshop class last winter quarter.
We had to pick a "big idea" and create a
 mosaic with internet pictures to reflect our choice. 
The "big idea" I chose was emotions
We started with 40 different pictures put together in
mosaic form to represent that idea.
I no longer have a copy of the first stage of the
project, but step two was to start using the
techniques we were learning in class to blend the
pictures together.  Here is
my mosaic for step two.

           The mosaic represents the specific emotion of deep
 sorrow and depression, as I'm sure you can tell. 
My daughter was going through a very dark time in
her life and the pictures I chose 
represent her suffering and deep despair.

I was very pleased with my work and how it was
progressing, but my teacher was not as pleased with it
as I was. He prodded me to take it a step further
by blending the photos even more.  I was
reluctant to tamper with what I thought was a finished
work, but for a better
grade, I kept working on it.

Here is my finished work.

I will be forever grateful that he did not let me
settle with step two, because I love how
the finished project turned out.  

A Working Sunday

Sunday is supposed to be the "day of rest"
and God knows, I surely need it.
But today my sister and her husband are coming
to help me move wood. I had three dead trees
cut down this week, to the tune of $1000.
                         I don't have a wood-burning fireplace, 
                  so they will be burning the wood once it is seasoned.
I'd certainly rather have spent the money on new dishes, 
but oh well ~ that's life.

This is the wild cherry tree that unfortunately was
full of carpenter ants.

Then there are the two maple trees that were cut down
in the back of the yard by my green house.  I cleaned out 
this overgrown area so we could stack the wood back there.


And then there is the greenhouse window they broke 
while bringing down the trees. 

 My back yard is full of honeysuckle trees
which have yet to turn color, but are full
of berries that the birds will soon be 
feasting on.

These are the dracaena marginatas and asparagus ferns I 
took from the urns in the front yard.  They need
to move to the greenhouse until it gets too cold and then
they'll come in the house for the winter. 

Moving around to the front of the house is my beautiful
pyracantha bush with it's vivid orange berries.
I use the berries in various ways to decorate
around the yard and in the house.

And last of all, while we're out front, is my fall porch
which is sporting it's true colors today.

Can you tell I'm an Ohio State fan :)

I'm linking up with The Tablescaper
for Seasonal Sundays.



Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Table

I'm joining Debra at Common Ground for Vintage 
Inspiration Friday "Setting a Fall Table" 
A Stroll Through Life  for "Table Top Tuesday".
I set a table for two today with my fall leaf dishes.

 Since my dining room and table are both small,
with space limited, I am forced to keep things on a 
rather small and simple scale.

The centerpiece is a lovely metal tray from
Columbus Architectural Salvage with moss
from my yard and an acorn purchased at Meijer.

Down the middle of the runner, I laid a
rusty metal leaf garland interspersed with
mini pumpkins and candles.

I used two dinner plates for my setting.  The bottom
green plate is from Steinmart and the leaf plate is
from Dollar Tree.  The soup bowl is a
Goodwill find.

And as always ~ candlelight sets the mood.

Table runner and napkins ~ Old Time Pottery
Napkin rings ~ home made
Glass candle holders ~ Goodwill
Glassware ~ Dollar Tree
Pine cone candles ~ gift
Metal leaf garland ~ purchased many years ago



Monday, October 25, 2010

Goodwill Goodies

I made an unplanned, quick stop at Goodwill
the other evening and came home with a boatload
of dishes.  I would normally feel somewhat
guilty about buying more dishes, but wait 
until you see what I got for just $22.

To start off with, all this glassware.

Then I scarfed up four dinner plates in both
solid green and blue.

Next I found these lovely hand-painted
dishes called "French Iris".

These I can mix and match with the blue dinner plates.

And last of all, I got this nice container that I have already
used to make a Thanksgiving centerpiece.  It was
only $.99.  But more about the centerpiece
in a later post.

Linking up with Coastal Charm for
Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays. 




Autumn is fully upon us and color is everywhere.
This morning even the air is fragrant with the unique
smells of autumn.
Today I'm sharing autumn at my home.

I'm linking with Little Red House for Mosaic Monday
and Holiday Haven for the Harvest Blog Party.
Won't you join us?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Dress Up

Another beautiful fall weekend ~ another beautiful
Sunday afternoon decorating my yard.
I finally had some time to get my urns 
dressed up for fall.
In the summer, I keep asparagus ferns and
annuals in them, but for fall it's time for a
pumpkin topiary.

I bought the urns quite a while back from a nursery in
our area called "A Proper Garden".  They are special
to me because my sister designed the store's logo, which
is displayed on the urns.

I prop the pumpkins up from underneath with a couple
bricks and then set them in a garland of evergreens, 
yard moss, and pyracantha berries.

At various times, the urns have been in different
places in my front and/or back yard. Now
they are together again, one on each side of my
garage door, which is where I like them 
the most.

I am linking up with The Tablescaper
 for Seasonal Sundays.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Last Roses

I was working in my gardens last night, hurriedly
trying to get in some weeding before the cold and
rain came in.  I noticed my white roses still
blooming away, more so than any other year. 
Since the temperature was predicted to drop down during
the night, I cut them and brought them in to share
with all of you and myself.  There were a couple
pink roses in the yard, so I tucked them in the 
middle of the bouquet for a touch of color.
I arranged them in a clear glass vase with water
from my rain barrel and set them on the vanity
in my bedroom.

They look so lovely with my white furniture and mirror.

I love the way the mirror reflects the white armoir and the
pillows on my bed.

There is something very sad about knowing that they
are the last roses of the season.  I wish they could
last forever. 

I'm linking up with Faded Charm for White Wednesdays.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Afternoon Apple Picking

A fall tradition - apple picking.
Usually my daughter and I go together or with a
group of friends, but today, it was a go alone or not at all.
It was a gorgeous fall day and perfect for apple 
picking at Lynd's Fruit Farm.

 Sorry for the quality of the picture - it was taken
through the window of my car.  I promise the rest will be better.

At the fruit tent, they were selling everything from pumpkins, 
corn shucks, apples, pears and cider.

Away from the crowds and the lines buying produce, I
headed out to the orchards where I was surprisingly
I found out later, everyone was over in the Fuji fields
and I was picking the Gold Rush apples.  I'll let
the pictures speak for themselves.

I'm linking with The Tablescaper for

Friday, October 15, 2010


Some time ago (I've lost track now), I used to be
a beekeeper.
I miss my bees, and bees in general.
They are more scarce now due to mite infestations
throughout the country and are truly
seldom seen.


You  either like bees and are fascinated by them
you are deathly afraid of them.
Bees have that effect on people.

Even though my bees are long gone, and my garden shed now
sits in the place their hive once was, I have many
mementos of them throughout my home
and yard.

For years I had a lovely beeskep that sat in the middle
of my herb garden.  But the weather and elements took a
toll on it, and now all I have is my picture to remember it by.

In my garden shed on a shelf up high, I have several bee
plates that were given to me as gifts.


In my laundry room hangs a beeskep picture and a 
bee fly swatter.
In my kitchen a tiny bee buzzes amidst an arrangement
of fall silk flowers.
Did you know there was such a thing as "bee on a rope"?

I have bee coasters . . .

and bee candles . . . 

bee books and bee fabric . . . 
(both books are great reads), and
a smaller bee skep that stays inside . . .

and lastly, my bee cross-stitch sampler.
One might think my house is swarming with bees, but
their presence is so discreet, you may not even notice them.
Even though my bees are gone, these cherished objects will 
always remind me of my fine fuzzy friends.

I am linking up with Debra at Common Ground for