Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Leaps and Bounds

My garden is growing by leaps and bounds with all the rain we've had this summer.  Everything is lush and green.
 The lettuces and kale have totally filled in the
 garden bed and are making delicious salads.
The blossoms on the zucchini plants promise good things to come.
And thanks to netting over the plants, the tomatoes 
and begonias have not experienced any hen-pecking.
The dill flowers are exquisitely delicate and beautiful.  I just wish my cucumbers were ready so I could try my hand at dill pickles.
Meanwhile, the white hydrangeas have helped themselves to a seat on the bench . . .
. . . and the purple clemetis is hanging out with the picket fence.
And sadly, my cement chicken marks the spot where my beautiful Maggie lays, who left me right before Easter.
  Even more sad is now I have to bury my beloved Sally next to her. My silly Sally . . . gardening will never be the same without you following me around and keeping me company.
 It is a hard thing to lose my darling girls who have been the sweetest pets and companions.
Linking with
Elizabeth and Co. Garden Party 


  1. Your gardens are beautiful. I'm sorry about your chickens. When a pet follows you around, you really do miss them.

  2. Oh wow, just look how your gardens are coming along! Absolutely beautiful! And I'm so sorry about your girls. I can just picture them following you around the garden.

  3. Oh friend....I am so sorry to hear about your girls. I had no idea. Sending you a giant hug during this time. Your garden is a feast for the eyes! Just look at all of your food that you will be harvesting...it is just fantastic! And those beautiful hydrangeas having a seat!! There is nothing prettier! Hugs to you! And thank you for sharing this beauty with us! Nicole xoxo

  4. It breaks my heart to read that your two chickens have passed away. At least they had a peaceful life with you. They did not have to live on an industrial farm and die a violent death. Do you have any left? Your garden is so beautiful and lush! It must feel so wonderful to get up in the morning and take a walk around such a very special space! God bless you, Cindy! Your chickens must love you so much!

  5. Your garden is looking lovely with the promise of a good harvest from what you're growing there. That's sad about the chickens. I'm sure you must miss them.

  6. The rain sure has made everything grow in leaps and bounds! Sorry to read you lost your beloved chickens! They sure were some beauties!

  7. Hi Cindy, your garden is just beautiful, I love how your white hydrangea has grown onto the little bench! I'm so sorry to hear about your chickens. We lost our 2 year old puppy last December and it was so hard, still is. I think it's nice that you buried them in the garden.

  8. Oh I am so sorry to hear about your dear girl!

    May you think of your girls fondly while enjoying your lovely garden.

  9. Happy to feature your beautiful garden at our party again this month! It was fun to see how much it's grown! Thanks so much for sharing!


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