Thursday, July 10, 2014

Dinner with Myself

Do you ever eat alone? 
 My 25-year old daughter lives with me, but when she is out with friends, I eat alone.  Not complaining, mind you, I'm used to eating alone.  
Usually when alone, I eat on the run, grabbing a bite here and there while working on a project, or while watching TV.  I rarely set myself a place at the table if it is just me.
But not tonight.  It was a perfectly glorious day ~ you know, the kind that you want to savor and never want to end.
So, even though I was just having leftovers (delicious fish tacos), I set myself a place at the table on the deck, and drank in the beauty of a meal enjoyed outside.  

It's these times of slowing down that I realize how blessed I am, and how wonderful life can be.  Listening to the birds sing and the locusts in the trees was far better than any man made music.  The chickens were roaming around the yard chattering to themselves and the dog was sitting under my chair, waiting for any leftovers.  In this moment, all was right in the world.

Sitting at the table made me realize how much beauty is all around me . . . beauty I hardly notice when I'm intently working on a project and eating on the run.

And because it was too pretty to go inside, as darkness fell, I sat on the porch and savored the gift of a glorious day.

So here's to eating alone . . . slowing down . . . and setting a pretty table.  These are the kind of days that summer memories are made of . . . the kind that warm you on a cold winter day.
An afterthought:
I was reading my devotions this morning and came across these verses in Psalm 103: 1-2.
"Bless the Lord, O my soul:  and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:"
David goes on to list his benefits in the rest of the chapter.  These verses and my dinner alone, remind me that sometimes you have to slow down to remember all your blessings and benefits ~ something I plan to do more often. 
Linking with
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home
Between Naps on the Porch  for Tablescape Thursday


  1. What a beautiful post from your heart my friend! I loved reading every words, smiling all the way through. I love the verse you shared. I feel very blessed right now.
    hugs from me...

  2. Beautiful! I eat only all the time, except when I meet a friend, etc. I hate to fuss just for me but you have inspired me! xo

  3. That was a nice little visit, Cindy! I love your table setting. I eat alone all the time, have been doing so for decades now except for when I have company which is not often anymore. The children and grandchildren are all busy. I don't mind, though. I have become accustomed to being alone. Your table setting got me to thinking that I have been using the same place mats for so many years now. They're red with little white circles and little red flowers inside. Would you believe, I actually had to get up to see what design was on them. This is crazy after eating on top of them all these years! It must have been cute to eat and listen to your chickens clucking away! They must be so cute!

  4. Ah Cindy! So very true friend......Slowing down and taking it in! And what a view you have! The way you described your meal and what you saw and heard is the good stuff in life. I often eat over the sink in-between this and that's but like you have made an effort to sit down and take it in. My youngest bean Norah was taken by this and really got a kick out of me sitting with them during lunch...usually I am picking up the dishes. I decided to do this after my middle guy has been going through some testing for different things. We got one test back this week and he does not have the disease they were testing him for so we really were counting our blessings this week. How inspiring this post was to me. It makes me think I should sit more often! Your garden is gorgeous!!! And thank you so much for your kind words on my can be hard sometimes meeting the needs of everyone and your words really touched my soul friend! Love Nicole xoxo

  5. Your garden table is lovely. I eat alone all the time, I'm pretty sure my dog Paisley thinks we are eating together though. She stays underfoot the whole meal. I'm a sucker - I always share!
    Sally @cottagefix

  6. Well girlfriend, you are having dinner by yourself and I am having breakfast by myself. How about getting together for lunch? Very pretty tablescape. How were the fist tacos? I just had some last night.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  7. Oh, yes enjoy. You have the right idea.

  8. This post got me to thinking about many years ago when I had a job that required a fair amount of traveling and while I liked it, I didn't enjoy eating out in restaurants alone. I still wouldn't enjoy that, but I do enjoy eating alone at home. It's not often when I eat dinner alone, but when I do I savor the time and like you, take notice of my surroundings and appreciate all the beauty that surrounds me.

    I'm stopping by via BNOTP Cindy and would like to say I have enjoyed this post and will be back soon to explore a bit more.


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