Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Summer on the Deck

This summer I decided to go a different direction with the potted plants on my deck.  I found out the hard way that my chickens will eat every flower I plant within their reach.  So . . . my solution was ornamental grasses.
This one is "Mexican Feather Grass".
I grouped three pots together each with 
a different grass and texture.
This little lady is called "Fiber Optic Grass" and is sweet and delicate.
This quirky guy is "Big Twister Rush" and has large spiraling foliage which unfortunately doesn't stand erect as well as I'd like.
Standing alone is "King Tut" Egyptian Papyrus, who is tall and stately.
Grasses don't offer much color, but the trade off is how lovely they look swaying in the breeze.  Hopefully I can winter them over in the greenhouse and use them again next summer.
 Also sitting on the deck right now is a large pot of "Hakuro Nishiki Willow".  I haven't been able to plant it yet with my broken foot, but I've been enjoying it up close while I wait.
 Charlie is enjoying it up close too . . . taking a nap in it's shade.  It is quite large and at the nursery they had them displayed in large ornate pots and they truly made a grand statement.
My one spot of color on the deck is a beautiful deep pink Mandevilla.
It sits up on a pedestal and the chickens don't seem to bother it.  Plus by elevating it, it can grab on to the wisteria trunk and will eventually grow upward and bloom from even higher heights.  I can hardly wait.
I haven't been able to put the deck table to use yet this summer . . . again, because with my foot, I can't risk carrying the heavy glass table top from the shed.
Soon . . . I hope . . . and then we'll have a garden party.
At the end of the deck sits my lovely oak leaf hydrangea, which has very few blooms this year . . . a result of the harsh winter.  But the few blooms it does have are cherished.
Hoping you are enjoying summer on your deck.
~ Linking with ~
Domestically Speaking for Fun in the Sun Linky Party
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday 
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home


  1. I loved seeing your grasses. We've been thinking of growing some, and I'm glad to see some of yours are in pots. Time to head for the garden store.

  2. I love grasses, they always look so pretty especially when they catch a breeze. How nice to grow them in pots.

  3. I love grasses, they always look so pretty especially when they catch a breeze. How nice to grow them in pots.

  4. I adore your plants. Some I have never seen before.

  5. It's so pretty out there! I love ornamental grasses and have incorporated them too. You do need to have that garden party because your yard is just too pretty not to share it.

  6. Ummmm can I come over and sit on your beautiful deck!?!?!? Holy Cow lady!!! What a gorgeous scene you have all around you! That first shot with the chair in the background really knocked me off my chair as did the rest of your photos! I love the idea of potting up grasses and your selection is absolutely stunning! Your garden is a complete sanctuary! Wishing you a lovely week friend! Nicole xoxo

  7. Sorry to hear that your foot is still troubling you. You've done a good job with choosing and arranging your grasses to complement the plants you already have. You have given me new ideas for my own sitting out corner! I also love the hydrangea and the ornamental willow.

  8. Your grasses are just stunning! I have some of the King Tut ones, but I really like the curly one...your wisteria tree looks like it is huge! I bet it is gorgeous when it is in full bloom...

  9. So sorry to hear about your foot!
    Even potting is hard with a bad foot, but yours do look beautiful.
    I have a big pot of Mexican feather grass that I planted last summer. It sits in the Texas sun, watered only once a week, buffeted by 60 mile an hour lake winds, & it wintered-over outside - talk about tough stuff! I'm becoming a big fan of grasses in the garden.
    Best wishes for fast healing!

  10. I like your potted plants! Pretty outdoor space! Thank you for linking with Home Sweet Home!


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