Wednesday, May 21, 2014

This Year's Herb Garden

I've always planted a few herbs in a section of my garden that was designated just for them.  Last summer I planted a few in my newly made raised beds. 
 Last year I used my half whiskey barrel to plant potatoes, but that failed because I forgot to drill drainage holes in the bottom and everything rotted.  So this year, I decided to use the barrel for my herbs. 
Since the barrel isn't huge I decided to plant just one each of the herbs I use most often for cooking.  The barrel gives me a nice place to keep them nearby for using and elevates them off the ground.  Elevating them off the ground and covering them with cut bent branches, gives them some protection from my chickens, who like to eat everything I plant.  And if they don't eat it, they dig it up.  Now they could get in there if they wanted to, but so far, they have left them alone.
I look forward to being able to snip fresh herbs for meals.  Parsley, chives, 
and basil are a staple for any herb garden.

I love herbs.  I must admit that even though I've grown them for years, it's been more because I love the variety of textures and color they add to a garden.  This year I plan to use them more for cooking, although this container planting does add a nice aesthetic touch to the garden area.
I tucked in a couple leftover marigolds for a touch of color . . .

and hovering over the herbs is a metal hummingbird
 that I love and have had for years.

So if you have limited garden space or just want to keep your herbs next to your back door on a deck, a half whiskey barrel is a great solution for these issues and adds a beautiful aesthetic touch at the same time.


  1. Well done, Cindy. If it ever stops raining I will take some pics and post mine too.

    Yesterday was perfect and I had appointments all day, figures I had TODAY for pic taking and its been so gloomy my mood is gloomy too.

    Let's get together soon. Hugs.

  2. Your barrel of herbs is wonderful Cindy! And what a genius idea to bend branches like that! It creates such a cool look as well as being functional! I could use that to keep back my crazy squirrels!!! Thanks for the idea and happy cooking with that barrel of goodness! I hope you are well...we had a terrible storm last night and got some water in the house...and now it is hot! Happy weekend to you friend! Nicole xo

  3. You've found a good use for your barrel this year and your herbs look well established, protected and ready at hand to use in your cooking. I like to have herbs near the kitchen door too. I like the little hanging humming bird.

  4. I love your herb garden.
    I planted a pico de gallo garden earlier this spring without too much success.
    I was inspired by a Pinterest photo.

    I have never had much luck with cilantro.

    Enjoyed visiting-
    I am a new follower.

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