Sunday, March 30, 2014

Free Printable Entertainment Planner

 Would you like to entertain more?  I know I would.  My problem is I never make or take the time.  I am more of a project/goal driven person than a people person.
After a sermon last weekend on generosity, I realized I am very stingy with my time.  I have all these pretty dishes and enjoy buying and playing with them, but rarely take the time to entertain with them.
About this same time I was reading a wonderful post about entertaining over at Joan's blog, for the love of a house, where she talked about a journal she has kept for 20 years listing all the times she has entertained.
These two situations started me thinking, "How could I entertain more"? 
 I decided rather than keep a journal, I made myself a sheet where I could keep all the information I need to record every time I entertain.  It would include not only the name of the person(s) coming for dinner, but the date, occasion, table setting, and menu. 
This is a great way to keep track of not only what you served but what table settings you used, so you can change it up next time you invite the same people for dinner.  It could also be put into a plastic sleeve protector in case you want to slip in any other additional information or photos.  The document measures 8 x 10" and will fit into a 3-ring binder so it can be filed any way I need or desire.  
I've attached a picture of what the document looks like so you can see it and underneath is a link where you can go to print your own copies.
Now I just need to make a list of all the friends I have neglected over the years by being too busy.  With this list, I am hoping to spend this year entertaining on a more regular basis and enjoy the many friends I have while making my own sweet memories.
Now for the fun ~ to invite a guest and start planning the meal and table setting. 
Happy Entertaining 
Linking with
Mod Vintage Life for Mod Mix Monday
Stone Gable for The Scoop
A Stroll Thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday


  1. What a great idea, I love your record you are going to keep. Super idea and so fun to enjoy friends too. Hugs, Marty

  2. That is a wonderful idea and I think I will join you in it. It has been along time since we invited friends over for dinner. Sometimes we do get too busy and don't realize we need to slow down and enjoy life.

  3. What a beautiful post friend!!! And what a brilliant idea!!!! I would love to do something similar as well as I really like the idea of having a home full of loved ones and food! Thank you for inspiring this Monday morning!!! Happy week to you and as always beautiful photos!! Nicole xoxo

  4. You have some beautiful ideas for dressing a table with lovely items to serve your food and drink in. I'm sure the friends you hope to entertain will feel very welcome at your future planned gatherings.

  5. AWESOME idea, Cindy. Dang, wish I would have started doing this 20 years ago. Seriously, I entertain a LOT. I try to remember how, when, what ect. and fall quite short in the details.

    Thanks - really may begin using this.

    And remember - sometimes the best invite is the simplest - invite a friend over for a cup of (whatever) and visit. THAT is the best invite of all.....time and friendship, not the details.

    Be over soon. :-p


  6. This is a great tool to organize your entertaining. It will definitely help me to figure out what I have and what I will need. A checklist of sorts. Thanks so much for putting this together!

  7. I love this idea. It is kind of like a Steps program to make amends for not having made time in the past and making sure you make time in the future. The first twenty years of my adult life I would entertain almost on a weekly basis and then one day I became to busy. I went back to college when my employer shut down and I lost my job back in the eighties. For eight years I went to school evenings, and weekends. When I regained employment I joined many professional organizations and had meetings several times a week. There was only time for family holidays and birthdays for entertaining. But now I plan to retire and hope to regain some of my old life before it is to late to rekindle those old friendships.
    Thank you for this wonderful thought provoking post. Before I forget the picture of the lovely floral tablecloth and the charming floral teacups is stunning - I love it!

  8. thank you for stopping by my blog. always fun!! hope you are having a lovely weekend. ( :

    i love being organized, planning parties & events out completely.

  9. I don't have a lot of pretty dishes, or linens, or tea cups, however, I would love to entertain more. Right now I feel a little self conscious about how my kitchen looks so I guess that's the reason I don't have more friends over. Instead I opt to meet them someplace for lunch or coffee ; )

    Time is flying by. We really need to make those lunch dates we always talked about actually happen!

  10. A very thought-provoking post, Cindy! I do wonder sometimes if my desire for so much solitude is selfish. The entertainment planner you devised is both useful and attractive! Bookmarking this post for future reference! Blessings, Bess

  11. The entertainment planner is a grand idea! I think I will use it for Easter. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Such a great idea! I have felt we need to have more people over this year too. Love your pretty photos! Especially the sweet pink embroidery! Hope you are enjoying the weekend!

  13. love your garden!

  14. I just now saw this. Entertaining is so much simpler than menus and table settings. It's all about spending time with friends, no matter when, where, or what you eat or do. I'm infamous for pot luck gatherings, which are so much fun. Everyone brings something and we all have more than enough to eat. No over stressing the hostess, and guests get to contribute. Sometimes we are in the house, dining at the table. Sometimes it's sports in front of the TV with plates in our laps. Sometimes it's outside on the porch or in the pavilion in the garden. We always have fun!


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