Friday, January 24, 2014

i LOVE white

i LOVE white. 
images courtesy of:
turning point 2, pretty stuff, and MiLady's Vintage Linens 
I love white in any form.  I find it's beauty and simplicity quietly refreshing.
I wonder then why I don't like winter more.  It's white, it's beautiful, simple, 
and refreshing.
images courtesy of:
turningpoint2, tiny white daisies, and media-cache
Winter surrounds us with a quiet sense of beauty.
the curious bumblebee 
I am striving to accept winter, to put away my dislike of it and embrace it in all it's forms.  But I think I might like it better if I didn't have to go out to work and could spend it more like this.
inspiration lane 
Gearing up for another weekend of snow and more snow.


  1. It's perfectly understandable, that you love white, but not the white of winter. I agree.

    All I can do about winter is, accept it and try to see the beauty of snow falling outside, while I am warm and cozy inside. :-) Luckily, I am retired and don't have to go out in it, daily.

    Best of luck with your project of learning to "like" winter.



  2. Um....yep....if I could be that kitten I would be one happy mama! These whites are gorgeous....every single one of them!! It makes me remember those parts of winter that I like Stay warm friend!!! They are calling for an arctic blast again next week...temperatures possibly the lowest they have been in 50 years! We shall see in the meantime inspiration is so important when stuck inside!!!! All the best! Nicole

  3. What stunning photographs! Nice to find your blog!


  4. Lovely images. I hope you have a good, restful weekend.

  5. The older I get the less I like winter so good luck on trying to like it. Love your white photos.

  6. Cindy,
    I agree, that having to get out and go to work in Winter can take much of the enJOYment of it! When "Mr.Ed" worked for the Department of Transportaion, pulling 14 hour shifts, working as many as 14 days in a row. . .he hated the sight of SNOW!!! Now that he's been retired for the past two Winter's, he enJOYs watching the SNOWfall from our patio doors!!!
    It's all in perspective, dear one!!!

  7. Hi Cindy,

    Well, you certainly have an eye for gorgeous images which I'm sure are lovely incentives toward your aspiration to embrace winter. For me, it depends WHERE and HOW you are spending this season, that is integral in this mission. Case in point: winter in the Mediterranean is refreshing, cool, and mainly sunny, beckoning long walks in the hilly countryside. Winter in Toronto, my hometown, is atrociously Arctic, with dark, grey days, signs that you stay put! If you happen to be in the latter category, spend it doing the things you love, staying cozy, and resting your body and soul.

    Wishing you wonderful, winter white escapes, wherever they may be waiting.


  8. Yes, Cindy, I know what you mean. These gorgeous photos make me marvel at the purity of freshly fallen snow, but the reality of its inconvenience dims that wonder. I'm lucky to be retired and can choose when I want to venture out (usually), but winter can't pass quickly enough for me! Meanwhile, you've inspired me to look for the beauty in the season!!

  9. There is no doubt, it is easy to embrace when you can look out at it and not trudge through it.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  10. Well, you know I love white too! Even in winter. It's so nice when you stop by. You mentioned French knots... I love them too!

  11. I love the beauty and simplicity of white too. And I find photos of snow so000 calming, but I hate being cold! hahaha I'm definitely not a snow person so I can relate to your feelings about winter. :)


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