Friday, January 17, 2014

Coping With Winter

Winter is my least favorite of all the seasons, but I am also finding ways to enjoy it more and more.  When I used to ski, I loved winter and it wasn't nearly long or cold enough.  I think that is why I liked skiing ~ it made me love winter for the first time in my life.
But I have long ago laid up my skis since I was never very good at it, and as I was getting older, I realized I'd better give it up before I broke something major.
Now I see winter as a rest from all the outside yard work and the external care that an older home requires.  It has become a "breather" for me.  An okay to curl up on the couch and "chill".
I also use winter to do some of those inside projects that I can't squeeze in during the warmer months.  Projects like reupholstering, making curtains, painting, and cleaning out the attic. Well, this is my current winter project that I have put off for over 10 years ~ stripping the paint off of my old doors, putting up new molding, and repainting. 
This is what my doors currently look like. (Yes, I still haven't taken down my Christmas decorations.)  You can imagine how many coats of paint a 60 + year old house has on it that makes the paint crack.

My house isn't large enough to have a hallway, but it has a cul de sac of sorts that consists of six doorways leading to various rooms.  One doorway is open to the living room and the other five open to bedrooms, the bathroom, upstairs and a closet.
I was going to do one door at a time from start to finish, but realized if I did it that way, it was very likely I would quit halfway through.  So I'm working on all six doorways and living with their unfinished state in order to stay motivated to finish the whole project.
Here is one of the doors during the stripping process that is done with a heat gun.  As you can see, it is quite a messy project.

It's amazing how much that pile of paint chips weighs when it is all bagged up.  It is a long and tedious process, so I only do one door a day or a couple door frames.  After you get all the paint off, then it all needs sanding.

I have finished up four doorways completely with two more to go.  
Today I removed the rest of the molding.
My two helpers are taking a siesta ~ their version of coping with a snowy winter day.

Wish I could show you a totally finished door, but that is a few weeks off yet.  I should be working on this project right now instead of writing about it, but I promise I will show you them eventually when they are all finished with new trim, floor molding and refinished floors.
How do you cope with the long winter?
Linking with
Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday


  1. Wow, what a project! But, it will be so worth it when you are finished. And I love that you are keeping the original doors!

    I am not a winter fan, at all. I hate the cold, as I have arthritis. This year, I had total hip replacement surgery at the beginning of November, so I've stayed inside and out of the cold for the most part, just recovering. I love snuggling up with a warm throw and the pups, watching HGTV or reading. Just this past week, I bought some new supplies to start crocheting again, as I have not done that in several years and I think it would be a nice way to pass the time and be creative.

  2. WOW- what a huuuuuuge project, Cindy!

    Well good for you - it is cold and damp and blustery and grey, so you go girl. Put on some awesome music to get you through it.


  3. Ahh, Cindy! You have so much patience. Well, good luck with your winter project. It will look so nice when you're all finished!

  4. Oh that is a huge undertaking! I stripped the wood work in my bedroom one winter. Thankfully only 2 doors in there. But it sure will be beautiful when you get done!! Stay warm!! This sure has been a doozey of a winter!

  5. WOW! What a job you have taken on! They already look fantastic! I can not believe the thickness of those paint chips! I'm going to take on your advice about winter work and stay focused on projects that i can knock out now because the garden will be calling soon! I can't wait to see these finished! Nicole xoxo and PS...I am a horrible skier!!!!

  6. I think I would have to do it the same way or I'd poop out half way too!

    That's a HUGE job but I know it will be SO worth it when you're all finished. Can't wait to see the end results.

    Winter isn't bad here in southern Arizona but on the colder days I tend to stay indoors working on my craft projects or sipping tea and reading.

  7. That's a big project, but it will be worth it to do it all in one go and be done with the clearing up. Your pets look as if they're having a good snooze which is a good thing so that you can get on with that practical task. I'm afraid I haven't much energy at the moment. There are plenty of home refurbishing tasks I would like to do, or rather get my husband to do! When I'm done with the routine home chores I like to read, meet friends, go to an interesting talk at the museum or art gallery or watch a DVD.

  8. Cindy,
    A M A Z I N G...and what an undertaking, dear friend!!! That thin door is going to "steal the show" when its refinished!!!
    Like you, I, too, spend a lot of time on projects in my creative space, Studio One during the Winter months. That is until it snows...I L O V E SNOW!!! So once the flakes begin falling here on the Prairie...I spend a lot of time at the Patio doors or actually outside...making SNOW Angels!!! Must be that getting older thing!!!Ha!
    Your two helpers are totally, adorable!!!
    I'll be watching for the reveal!!!
    Have a marvelous weekend!

  9. Cindy, I commend you for being so ambitious. That is quite a project you are undertaking. Can't wait to see th end result!
    Hugs, Patti

  10. Jan. 19th

    You are doing wonderfully, with projects, to cope with winter.

    I really don't like to have to go out in snow/ice/wind. So it's not my favorite season.

    But it can be lovely, watching snow fall, while inside a cozy, warm house.

    As for particular projects, I don't have any. My usual day/night is mostly the same, winter and summer. With some more being outside, in summer, of course.


  11. Wow what a big project! I'm sure it's going to look great! Good idea to tackle this in the winter. Makes the days go by much more satisfactorily! I know about winter- we get a lot of snow here!

  12. Cindy - you are a much better woman than I, girl. lol I would'ave just given them a quick sanding and painted over them again! Yeah, I know.....slacker! lol I guess this is why God created winter, huh? So that we non-winter-loving gals can get some stuff done inside? :)

    xoxo laurie


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