Monday, November 11, 2013

That Time of Year

It's that time of year again.  The time I dread probably the most ~ leaf raking time.  
I live in a beautiful old neighborhood with 80-year old oak trees lining the streets.  And you know in a neighborhood that old, there are lots of other trees and shrubs that add to the fallout.
 images via feather your nest, my coloring book, bob vila, and girly me

I love my trees and I can't imagine living here without them as they
 add so much charm and beauty to the homes.
But ~ indulge me while I whine ~ I HATE raking leaves.
I don't understand people who say they enjoy raking leaves ~ it's like people who say they love winter.
 images via lulu's sweet secrets and media-cache
Leaf raking consumes every spare minute of any nice outside weather from October to Thanksgiving.  I am usually raking up the last of the leaves as I'm hanging the Christmas decorations.  It is a job I dread and I always 
feel an immense relief when it is finished.
I've tried every method of getting them to the curb for city pickup ~ from blowing, to raking, to mulching them up with the lawn mower.  There is just no easy way.
Now this is what I'd like to do with my leaf rake.
image via ellenzee
Thanks for allowing me to have a pity party.  Now it's time to stop complaining and go out and rake since snow is in the forcast  :)


  1. Lovely post and images! Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  2. Ha! We just had a long weekend of raking over here too! My husband is still complaining of being sore! And like you we have tried every different method of raking possible! Good luck and yes I wish I could do that with my rake as well!

  3. Oh I feel your pain Cindy. I'm still not done either. Luckily the wind is blowing today and sending them northeast of me :)))))
    Beautiful images my friend.

  4. You're too cute for words! I am with you. Fortunately, where we're renting now, surprise of surprises a gardener came with the house :)! And he rakes the leaves :))
    Thanks for the kindest words about my snowmen. Really appreciated!


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