Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

My adventure into raised bed vegetable gardening is going very well.  All the hard work and expense of bringing in good, new soil is paying off.
With every rain, everything shoots up half an inch.  You can almost see them growing.
It has been fun to not only start most things from seed, but to also try many new vegetables I've never grown or eaten before.
I don't know about you, but I find great peace and joy in my gardens.


  1. YAY!

    Good for you, Cindy- keep up the good work.

    You will have a very full and overgrown garden soon - just look how it is taking off, WOW!!!!

  2. Looks like everything is coming up nicely. Gotta love the nutrients in rain water!

  3. Wow your raised garden looks absolutely beautiful!

  4. It's great to see the fruits of your work in your raised beds and to know that you're enjoying the produce and finding gardening a calming activity.

  5. Keep calm and put your earpiece on. No flowers in planters on my balcony for me this summer nor any of the other tenants in our eight floor lowrise. They have started taking down all the balcony railings and will refinish all the balconies. This will take them almost all summer. It's not always noisy but when it is, it's horrible!

  6. Your garden looks so great Cindy!!! Things are really coming up! I can't plant here yet because we are still having light frosts off and on. I loved seeing the little raccoons that came to stay with you. They are darling.
    sending hugs...

  7. Your garden is just beautiful. Have you enjoyed your first fruits yet? We did so raised beds a few years ago and I enjoyed it so much until the stink bugs came. ha. But each year I learn a little bit more and it is fun to see all of your hard work rewarded with delicious food. So enjoy.

  8. Cindy,
    Your gardening project looks so fresh and successful--I'm sure it is rewarding. I had to smile when I read your title: "How Does Your Garden Grow," because mine doesn't! I have a black thumb. I can grow herbs, roses, lavender, and geranium because they really don't need much tending. Otherwise, I'm hopeless. :-)

    Enjoy the vegetables of your labor!
    Laura from sundayview.blogspot.com

  9. I have no idea how I missed this post! Your garden is gorgeous! It is filling in with such yumminess! Way to go!!!

  10. Your neat and tidy garden is just gorgeous. I love just sitting and watching a garden grow sometimes! (I know how much work it is!) Loved your darling raccoon post. I had no idea young ones could be so tame. I know that story changes! I hope you're enjoying summer! So nice to know you came by!

  11. I can understand why you might be behind visiting and blogging. I feel the same way. Keeping a garden is a huge but fun task. Your garden is lovely. So many beautiful vistas. I enjoyed your tour.


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